World Directory of Mathematicians

10th Edition

The 10th Edition of the World Directory of Mathematicians became available in August, 1994, on the occasion of the International Congress of Mathematicians. This 896 page Directory, contains the names and addresses of approximately 42.028 individual mathematicians from 69 countries.

The price of the Directory is US$ 45. Postage for surface delivery is included in this price. Please add US$ 6.50 for optional delivery by air. All orders must be prepaid in U.S. funds; proforma invoices will be sent for any unpaid orders that are received.

Prepaid orders should be sent to:

American Mathematical Society
P.O.Box 5904
Boston, MA 02206-5904

Unpaid and charge card (Visa and Master Card) orders should be sent to:

American Mathematical Society
P.O.Box 6248
Providence, RI 02940-6248
800-321 4267 or 401-455 4000

For 1998, IMU plans to publish the 11th Edition with as much electronic mail addresses as possible.