Report for 1994 of the

Commission on Development and Exchange (CDE)

- Activities Involving Developing Countries -

Report prepared by Pierre Bérard, Secretary, 1994

The purpose of CDE Programs is to stimulate, supporting financially mathematical research activities in developing countries.

  1. The program "Support to Individual Mathematicians" offers partial travel support to mathematicians who make an extended research visit in an advanced mathematical center which commits itself to cover the local expenses. This program applies both to mathematicians from developing countries and to mathematicians from advanced countries who visit a mathematical center in a developing country. This program includes the "IMU-UNESCO Visiting Mathematician Program" and has been made possible through special funding by ICSU, UNESCO-ROSTA and UNESCO-ROSTE.

  2. The program "Support to Conferences" offers partial support for the academic activities of conferences organized in developing countries.

As in the past years, the CDE has received many applications an has to make a strict selection before awarding funding.

The CDE has also continued supporting the two research teams it has supported earlier.