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Basic Formatting

Selecting Text (highlighting)

To make formatting changes to the text and or document Word needs to be told what you want to format-- this is called highlighting.  To highlight the text:

  • Move to the first character of the text we are interested in.
  • Click but do not release the left mouse button
  • Drag the pointer through the word (or piece of text)
  • Release the mouse button

NOTE: Clicking the pointer on any area not highlighted will cancel the highlight.


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The default font is Times New Roman, size 10pt with a regular style .

Character Formatting

To change the font, font size, or font style of the whole document go to Edit/Select All or to change only parts of a document, highlight a section of words with your mouse.

Next, choose the desired font by scrolling down the font icon or choose Format/Font and it will give you the Font tool box on the right, where you can see samples before you choose OK.

Font Styles
Word also makes it easy to emphasize pieces of text with Italics italic.gif (121 bytes) bold bold.gif (128 bytes) , and underlining undrline.gif (131 bytes).  To apply the style to the text, hightlight the word(s) and choose the appropriate icon or choose the style in the Font tool box above. (Format/Font)

Word gives you several choices in alignment.  Left alignment l-align.gif (115 bytes) is the default-- to change the alignment, highlight the text and choose right alignment r-align.gif (118 bytes) , center  center.gif (117 bytes) or justified alignment justify.gif (119 bytes).

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