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mAd cOw Adventure

app_index.jpg (9684 bytes)

applic.gif (3477 bytes)
Common Parts of the Screen
Screen Element Icon Function

Close Button

close.jpg (890 bytes) Click this button to close the application.
Minimize Button minimize.jpg (819 bytes) Click this button to temporarily hide the application.  To re-display the application, click the application's button on the taskbar at the bottom of the screen
Restore /
Maximize Button
restore.jpg (894 bytes)/maximize.jpg (882 bytes) Click this button to enlarge the application to full screen or to shrink the application to a partial-screen window.
Status Bar Displays information about the document such as the page and section currently on the screen.
Task Bar Click to restore the application to your screen when it has been minimized or covered by another application.

back.gif (366 bytes)