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1pixel.gif (807 bytes)

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mAd cOw Adventure

app_index.jpg (9684 bytes)



powerpt_appl2.JPG (4098 bytes)
Anatomy of a Standard Toolbar
The Standard Toolbar:
ppstd_toolbar.jpg (7390 bytes)
Commonly Used Buttons on the Toolbar

newpage.jpg (3142 bytes)

new slide brings up a dialog box with choice of new slide, slide layout, or apply design

open.gif (118 bytes)

opens a dialog box for locating and opening a previously saved PowerPoint document

save.jpg (3335 bytes)

saves the document being created, and any changes made to that document

print.gif (159 bytes)

print prints the document

hyperlink.jpg (4115 bytes)

hyperlink create or modify a hyperlink

web_tlbr.jpg (1365 bytes)

web toolbar makes it easier to browse throught presentations that contain hyperlinks

word_table.jpg (1362 bytes)

insert Microsoft Word table
inserts a table from Microsoft Word

excelwkst_icon.jpg (1329 bytes)

insert Microsoft Excel Worksheet inserts a worksheet from Microsoft Excel

graph.jpg (4385 bytes)

insert chart inserts a chart into a presentation slide

image_icon.jpg (1291 bytes)

insert image inserts an image into a presentation slide

newslide_icon.JPG (1046 bytes)

new slide changes the current view to notes view

noteslyout_icon.JPG (1311 bytes)

slide layout gives you a choice of several different layouts for your slide

applydsn_icon.JPG (1314 bytes)

apply design
gives you a choice of several
different designs for the slides

blkwt_icon.JPG (1208 bytes)

black & white view changes the view from color to black & white or black & white to color
zoom_icon.JPG (1365 bytes) zoom choose the size you want to view the slides on, smaller the more overall you will see and the larger the more detail you see.

back.gif (366 bytes)next.gif (356 bytes)