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infocompBAR.jpg (6661 bytes)
Image within a web page.

web_porn.jpg (23470 bytes)

Evaluate the Image

  • Is the image relevant to your topic?
    ex2_check-on.jpg (1351 bytes)Is the image directed toward a general audience?
    Is the image directed toward a specialized audience?
  • Is the image timely?
    ex2_check-on.jpg (1351 bytes)Is the image current enough for your project?
  • Is the information reliable?
    ex2_check-on.jpg (1351 bytes)Is the author/producer of the information given?
    ex2_check-on.jpg (1351 bytes)Are the credentials of the author/producer of the information given?
    Did the information come from an "authoritative source?
  • Is the image complete?
    ex2_check-on.jpg (1351 bytes)Does the image extensively cover your topic?
