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Courageous Action Simulation

To practice synthesis, read through the following 5 scenarios, noticing how ideas of irrationality and cowardice are drawn into the definition of courage.  After you read through the scenarios, write a brief definition of courage which combines, or synthesizes, the reasons listed below the scenarios.

Is this an examples of courageous action?

"Tou Lor leads a platoon of guerrilla fighters on the front lines in a war zone. He and his seven comrades, hungry and thirsty, with no food and no water, have been pinned down in a ditch for two days by persistent shooting from an enemy machine-gun bunker.  It is midday and the sun beats down mercilessly; two men who have been hit continually moan and occasionally cry out in pain. Suddenly, Tou, with a glazed look in his eyes, grabs a hand grenade, screams at the top of his lungs, leaps out of the ditch, and runs toward the bunker as the bullets kick up earth around him. He reaches the bunker and throws in the grenade, killing all the enemy.  

Are his actions courageous? YES NO



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