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Euthanasia Simulation

Draw on information from the above four writings about Euthanasia to construct a short essay.  You may draw parts of information from different sections.

Writing Prompt

Writing to an audience whom you think would disagree with your position, respond to one or more of these questions, providing reasoned explanations for your answer. Draw from the reading as appropriate.


  1. Should life-support for a patient in a vegetative state ever be withdrawn?

  2. In such cases, should the family be allowed to decide when the wishes of the comatose patient are unclear?

  3. Do you think a patient in a persistent vegetative state should be considered dead?

Click on Relevant Parts for Review

Part 1   Ethunasia Introduction
Part 2   Vegitative State Definition
Part 3   Nancy Cruzon Case
Part 4   Karen Quinlan Case

Short Essay on Euthanasia

