[5]RE>Checking Log files

Mark Schrimsher (mschrimsher@twics.com)
Fri, 15 Dec 1995 15:23:30 +0900

>Date: 14 Dec 1995 20:46:54 -0800
>From: "Roger Dearnaley" <roger_dearnaley@mail.intouchgroup.com>
>Subject: [5]RE>Checking Log files
>To: robots@webcrawler.com
>Sender: owner-robots@webcrawler.com
>Precedence: bulk
>Reply-To: robots@webcrawler.com
> [5]RE>Checking Log files 12/14/95
>Thanks for you message.
>I am on vacation until Jan 5th, 1996, and am unlikely to check my e-mail
>before I get back.

Is there any way to stop Roger's infinite loop? January 5 is a long way off.
