Vacation wars

Martijn Koster (
Fri, 15 Dec 1995 15:25:39 -0800

In message <>, Bonnie Scott writes:

> Thanks Saul, if you're on this list. I had taken matters into my own hands a
> half hour ago, and told majordomo I was Roger and I told it to "unsubscribe
> robots." I then did a "who robots," and Roger doesn't appear to be on it
> anymore. I'll apologize to Roger and his autoresponder myself. :)

Ah, that explains why I couldn't find him. :-) Thanks; sometimes I can
catch these in time, but this time I had to be bleeped away from my day
off :-/

> I thought that the mail client community figured out that autoresponders
> should reply to "Sender:" and not even bother to answer "Precedence: bulk"
> messages (both of which are present in this list's headers) back in '93 or
> so with the big MCI mail snafu.

Quite. Not sure quite what "Mail*Link SMTP-QM 3.0.2" is, but with lots
of gatewaying and simplistic PC packages nowadays this does happen every
once in a while. For anyone thinking about using autoresponders on UNIX,
check out mailagent, which goes to all sorts of lengths to prevent such
loops (but let me declare auto-reponder mail off-topic for this group)

I guess it is time to modify majordomo to filter out vaction messages...

Sorry for the inconvenience caused,

-- Martijn


-- Martijn
