Re: verify URL

Vince Taluskie (
Wed, 13 Mar 1996 12:04:28 -0500 (EST)

> Is there a simple/short/free app that can check for the presence of a
> URL and return a yes/no if it can get it?
> Note: Doesn't have to actually GET it, just verify that it is
> possible.

How about using a HEAD rather than a GET request ?


  ___  ____ __      
 | _ \/ __/|  \    Vince Taluskie, at Fidelity Investments      Boston, MA
 |  _/\__ \| \ \   Pencom Systems Administration       Phone: 617-563-8349
 |_|  /___/|_|__\         Pager: 800-253-5353, #182-6317
                      "We are smart, we make things go"