Re: Image Maps

Wed, 27 Mar 1996 10:54 UT

Re: Robots and Image maps....

Think of it in reverse... not all robots give due respect to the /robots.txt
file so if you have a section of tree you want obvious to (people running
graphical) browsers then you can reference it with an server-side clickable

If you *do* want robots to see the tree then you *do* want to include text
links in parallel...

> .... if a site owner
> is allocated say 200MB of transfer (throughput, whatever) for their web
> site, and everyone starts using robots and spiders, then won't these
> robots and spiders *alone* use up the average small web site's transfer
> allocation?

That's a question to ask the provider, I don't suppose many can bundle
individuals' robots.txt files into a general /robots.txt. It's a good
thing to ask however - just to express concern. You ought to get an
offer from the provider to state "if the server is getting hammered
by a particular site we'll block it".

Martin Kiff
National Physical Laboratory, UK /