Re: Links

Jared Williams (
Thu, 28 Mar 1996 14:16:53 -0800

At 08:07 PM 3/25/96 -0700, you wrote:
>At 3:14 PM 3/25/96, Jared Williams <> wrote:
>>When I submit a URL to a Web Robot what is the deciding facter as to how
>>close to the top of a search engine the link appears?
>The degree to which the engine considers your submission to match against
>the user's query. As such it is a function of both the user's query and
>the retrieval engine, neither of which is under your control :-)
>>Is there any way that I can get my links to be closer to the top?
>Sure -- get all the users to enter the text of your document as their
>query, or replace the retrieval engine so it displays yours first?
>Seriously, in general search services don't give you the option to
>influence the order much. If they did, everyone would abuse it, and
>it would render itself useless.
>People do try, usually by purposefully exploiting weaknesses in the
>implementation, or the very nature of the retrieval engines. Such
>spammers can relatively easily be detected, and of course easily get
>blocked from the search engine forever... That's called quality
>control :-)
>Just wondering: What makes your page so much more deserving to be on
>the top of a results list?
>-- Martijn

If you want go ahead and check out my sight and reply me with e-mail telling
me if you think it deserves to be higher on the list.


Jared Williams

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