Re: Links (don't bother checking; I've done it for you)

David Henderson (
Fri, 29 Mar 1996 11:09:48 -0800

>>okay, so the action to take in his case is obvious (deindex any siGHt(e)
>>beloning to him), but what is the general case to stop this? It's very
>>difficult as far as I can see. It's deliberate worthless junk, trying to
>>get in at the level of people who are providing worthwhile information
>>about california/web sites etc.

I am not sure I would disagree with that. Search engines are an important
tool. I liked the idea of allowing users to rate a site. I think, as a
whole Internet users are reasonable and responsible. I personally have used
CGI methods to deliver keyword lists to robots/spiders. However, I consider
my action carefully. I feel that I am doing a service to the Internet
community by more efficiently delivering information or services that
people need or want.

I find it interesting that Lycos allows users to manually remove sites from
their database. How easy it would be for a competitor to remove MY listing.
But, It has never happened. By allowing users to rate a site based on their
impression of it's value in relation to their keyword search and then
applying that new value in the database would soon encourage Site Authors
to be responsible. Not to mention I would be able to find 'sex' and 'porn'
so much faster, as all those sites using bogus keywords would soon be
devalued. ;/

Thanx, David Henderson, Website developer.

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