Re: VB and robot development

Mon, 8 Apr 96 13:33:36 +0100

>I was about to give a similar reply when I saw yours. VB is certainly
>powerful enough to do a robot in. I'm using Borland Delphi myself.

Nearly any programming system which can use HTTP and parse text can be
used to build robots. Now that Allegiant Technologies has published
Marionet, there's a fair number of Mac folks using Director, SuperCard,
and HyperCard discussing robot building.

To help stave off a potential onslaught of porrly-designed robots built
from such high-level systems, I'm doing everything I can to make sure
everyone has a chance to read "A Standard for Robot Exclusion" and
"Guidelines for Robot Writers". Put a link to these on your web page,
and pray along with me. :)

- Richard Gaskin
Fourth World
Software Tools for SuperCard, Director, HyperCard, OMO, and more....