Re: Robots in the client?

Michael Carnevali, Student, FHD (
Wed, 24 Apr 1996 07:40:22 +0200

Ricardo Eito Brun wrote:

> I think a personal robot is a kind of search engine
> that resides in our own personal computer, that's to say,
> I give the application a set of URL's adress and it gather
> html files from these sites. After that it builds a local
> database with these data. Is it all right?

Have you ever tried Quarterdeck`s Webcompas? IMHO it isn`t a personal
robot, but you can do all the things you explained and it works with a
standard Web-Bowser. In fact Webcompas uses other Search Engines
to retrieve informations and builds a local database. I will check out the
program during the next weeks. So, if you have further questions, just
send a mail to my private address.

Michael Carnevali