Re: To: ???? Robot

Mitchell Elster (
Sat, 27 Apr 1996 23:38:06

I said:
>> Goal: To create a searchable database of e-mail address

You Replied:
>Sounds to me like you're trying to collect addresses so you can send out
>junk mail. We have enough of that already.

I say to that:
No, my goal is not to produce junk mail! My client is a Private
Investigative firm. Their goal is to have another avenue in which to
generate leads to people they are trying to locate.

I Said:
>> I've got a robot I'm thinking of creating. Only I don't care about indexing
>>HTML Docs. I'm looking for people. Any help will be appreciated.

You asked:
>Whose addresses are you collecting? Are you planning to search just within
>your company or the entire web?
>-- Ken Wadland

I reply:
I'm looking to index only in the U.S.A. starting with the East Coast. For
the amount of information that I am looking to index, I plan to start with a
500meg SQL Server database, scaling up to 2-4gig, as necessary. As I have NO
idea how many records would be generated (millions I'm sure), I plan to
start with only the east coast, monitoring closely the data being collected.

Mitchell Elster
BitWise Computer Consultants, Inc