??: reload problem

Andrey A. Krasov (A.A.Krasov@inp.nsk.su)
Thu, 23 May 1996 15:34:44 +0700

1. get URL "....cgiprog?var=start" from mainpage.html
Result: normal output ( form )
2. After write-to-file load-from-file loop
sending form results an error ( see below )
3. try reload the same URL ( or use bookmarks )
Result: cgi prog send me a error form ---
something like "you must go throw main page"
4. Some browsers( Netscape 1.1 ) on sending form
recieved same error
getting form need a user:password identification
error output is correct behavior of cgi prog

MAIN:1. by means what it possible ?
2. how to avoid it ?
3. what the difference between getting an URL by link
or by bookmark and reload
4. if it is a HTTP protocol possibility

Thanks for all , spending time for this problem

Andrey Krasov