Specific searches

The Wild (webster@thewild.com)
Sun, 2 Jun 1996 15:13:22 -0400 (EDT)

This question has probably been asked before, however, I am interested
in using the Harvest gatherer to collect specific subject areas and
areas of interest. I was noticing that on my dry run of Harvester,
it was branching off on links from the pages I was searching and got
stuck in a local user directory on another server that included oodles of
links for users on that system. It rather quickly started eating up my
harddrive space with links that I did not really want.

I was wondering what the recommended route was to limit the actual pages
collected to those that contain content matching a pre-described list of
key words or search parameters, and to discontinue navigating those links
that do not match those parameters?

I am also curious what my next step would be to start setting up an index
based off of the information collected by the Harvest gatherer?
