Re: Description or Abstract?

Reinier Post (
Thu, 4 Jul 1996 09:25:02 +0200 (MET DST)

G. Edward Johnson:

>I have seen a post here advocating the use of <META HTTP-EQUIV=abstract
>CONTENT="..."> and have set up my pages to use it. Recently, while
>looking at altavista and infoseek I notice they used <META
>HTTP-EQUIV=description ...>. In fact, infoseek says that if description
>is used, they will display that in the results page.

That's pretty crazy. META HTTP-EQUIV is used to specify HTTP document headers.
"Description:" wasn't an HTTP header, last time I checked. InfoSeek
is violating standards here. However, if this was a conscious decision
on their part, it is rather interesting: it allows you to get your images,
sound bites, etc., indexed by sending them out with Description: headers.

>My question then is which should I use? Do all search engines that pay
>attention to stuff like this use description, or do some use abstract, or

If a search engine is willing to make this info available, the place to
find out is their WWW pages ...


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