Q: meta name="robots" content="noindex" ?

John Bro, InterSoft Solutions, Inc (iss@FinanceHub.com)
Mon, 15 Jul 1996 15:40:30 -0400

A Hotbot/Inktomi techie said their bots would be supporting
this soon:

<META NAME="robots" CONTENT="noindex">

It was supposed to be under discussion here....
(the hypermail archives stop in December 95, too).

Can anyone point me to info or fill me in on the status of
this tag? (It appears that "expires" doesn't accomplish this.)

Will this "noindex" do the trick? What is the best way to exclude
pages from indexing (by cooperative robots, of course) ?

"robots.txt" doesn't do it for virtual servers where we don't
have access to the real server root.

Many of us have pages we'd rather see left unindexed,
notably "expired" pages that we don't remove entirely
in order to avoid an ugly 404, but hate to see them turn up
in the search engines.

Seems like it's harder to get unlisted than listed!

John Bro InterSoft Solutions, Inc.
Website & Software Development
Mail: 1106 NE 9th Ave Gainesville FL 32601
Email: iss@FinanceHub.com
Web: http://www.FinanceHub.com/
Phone: (352)373-6782 Fax: call first