Re: Search Engine article

James (
Fri, 19 Jul 1996 09:54:03 +1000

Hi, Danny,
We are AAA World Announce Archive at
In Sydney Australia, the home of the Matilda SafeSurf Search Engine.
We have just adopted the SafeSurf PICS Concept and what a battle it is.
Walking a middle line between freedom and protecting our kids.
How will robots know the difference between a normal site, a good looking
sheila or bloke, or both?
We have had a profile problem in getting attention from Robots and wish
more would come and index us, we are getting good traffic, but if there is
any chance of a mention, yes!! Thanks!! We of course would like to see
Engine fall this way quickly.We have overcome the simplistic problems of
receiving Bulk Post from Agents where because our form dared to seek a PICS
grading we were a problem.
Can a robot look at a site and search for the word sex before recording it?

>I'm working on an article for NetGuide about adding search
>capabilities to a web site, with a focus particularly on doing so for
>an Intranet.
>I'd like to talk with anyone who's considered the various packages
>out there, comparing their features, etc.
>I'd also love to know if there are any resources like this online.
>I've not found any.
>Any help is appreciated. I can be reached via e-mail at the address
>Danny Sullivan,
>Calafia Consulting,

AAA World Announce Archive - Matilda Search Engine
Your advertising keeps better company on the
The World's 1st SafeSurf Search Engine - Go Go Matilda!
Web: Email:
Postal: AAA/The Radio EDGE 2AM16 Sydney Phone: (02) 524 8778
P.O. Box 202, Caringbah 2229 Australia