Re: I vote NO (Was: Robot Gripes forum?)

Nick Arnett (
Sun, 4 Aug 1996 09:35:28 -0700

>Nick Arnett wrote:
>>No consensus supported here. I think a gripes forum would elevate the
>>present robot hysteria, contributing much more heat than light.
>>People seem to assume that badly behaved robots are sucking away bandwith
>>horribly and tying up servers.
>They often do just that.

Would you like to offer some evidence of this, or are we just supposed to
get angry and call each other names to carry on the debate? (I write this
with a smile on my face.)

This is exactly the thing that I think a gripes list would produce -- a lot
of assertions with no evidence or logic. As I said, I also think it
wouldn't have any impact on the people who create bady behaved robots, who
basically aren't paying attention, anyway (or are malicious and don't care
what anyone else thinks).
