Re: robots on an intranet (replies to list...)

Michael De La Rue (
Tue, 13 Aug 1996 09:24:30 +0200

In message <>, Tim Bray writes
>At 04:44 PM 8/5/96 -0400, I wrote:
>>Hi - Tim Bray here...
>Apologies for spamming the list.

>Reason for re-spamming is to point out that for some reason, replying
>to mail from this list seems to go to the list by default, not to the
>individual poster; is this just Eudora being dumb or something about the
>way works? If so, might be worth fixing it. -T.

Part of each. Eudora should give you some warning.. I'm using a more
serious mail program and this kind of stuff is configurable (I still
mess up occasionally though). However, it is a choice of the mailing
list that replies are set to the list not the posters. Perhaps it
would be worth Martin Kjostler (sp?) changing this if

a) he's willing

b) there are no objections

The mistake of sending only to an individual by accident is easily
rectified (send again)

The mistake of sending only to the list is impossible to rectify.

When the list is empty and in need of discussion, it's bad to lose the
posts, which are worthwhile, but the person won't bother to resend,
through accident. I don't think this is true of the robots list any more..

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