Re: The Internet Archive robot

Richard Gaskin - Fourth World (
Mon, 9 Sep 96 17:07:05 -0800

>> All your copyrighted materials or intellectual property should be behind
>> some kind of authentication or security barrier, beyond which a
>> traverser agrees to certain terms of non-disclosure before getting
>> access to the information. Then if you need to hold someone accountable
>> for doing something inappropriate with your sensitive information you
>> can go to your logs and say that "You signed this agreement by entering
>> this web you can't do that..."

There is no need: the viewer's existence in any member nation of the
International Copyright Agreement of 1977 implies compliance with that
treaty. Ignorance of the law does not grant immunity from it (only a lot
of money can do that <g>).

>I'm probably more radical than most on these issues -- I'd like to see a lot
>the teeth stripped from copyrights and patents, I'm not even convinced that we
>should enforce copyrights under any circumstances.

Innovation seems to occur in proportion to the reward potential for such
effort inherent in the system which governs the activity. Without at
least a few communities which respect intellectual property rights, this
very discussion would not likely have taken place. The WWW standard had
existed for many years before the advent of the commercial browser made
it a significant cultural phenomenon.

- Richard Gaskin
Fourth World
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