More ways to spam search engines?

G. Edward Johnson (
Tue, 10 Sep 1996 11:44:42 -0400 (EDT)

I got this message in my mailbox and decided to see what they were doing.

> What would you give to get the number 1 listing in Alta Vista, the largest
> search engine on the Internet, owned by Yahoo!
> If you search for "URL Announcements" on Alta Vista, you will find over
> 100,000 sites with URL and/or Announcements and we are no. 1!
> Now, no method on the Internet or on the various search engine always works,
> but just once, will get you alot of attention and the rest is up to you.

Yahoo owns altavista? since digital owns altavista, the only way for
both of these to be true was if digital owned yahoo or yahoo owned
digital, I don't think either is true

I did their suggested search and they do indeed come up number 1 in
altavista. and number 15 in webcrawler, they didn't come up in infoseek,
nor on the first page of hotbot.

I looked at their page to see their "magic"
Basically it came down to this:
Meta Keywords
Meta Description
head keywords -- I have never seen keywords as an attribute of head, do any
robots index atribute values of all html tags?
comment with keywords
keywords in title tag -- this one was new to me, they had 12 title tags,
the first and last ones being the real titles, and the other
10 were filled with keywords.

I thought I would pass this along since I hear some search engines are
actively downgrading "spammers" and since some engines may give more
weight to words in the title. It seems it might be a good idea to only
index the first title, or even no title if there are more than one.


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G. Edward Johnson => Standards and Technology <= 39 08 36 N 77 12 06 W
Computer Scientist =>=>=>=>=>=>=><=<=<=<=<=<=<=<=<=<=<=<=<=<=<=<=<=<=<=<=
<> <URL:>