
Filippo Menczer (
Sat, 14 Sep 96 18:41:27 -0700

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Content-Type: text/plain; name="InfoSpiders-announce"; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="InfoSpiders-announce"

=== InfoSpiders announcement ===

InfoSpiders is a project for distributed information retrieval,
that will make use of WWW spiders to access documents over
the internet. Currently, InfoSpiders will be used for testing
purposes. We don't anticipate that their presence will be
very visible.

InfoSpiders will obey the Standard for Robot Exclusion,
and will only submit requests for documents with 'text/html'
or 'text/plain' Content-Type. The search process is guided
by hypertext structure, not by server information, and thus
is not expected to put heavy loads on any single server
at any given time (unless that server has many documents
that appear relevant to the search query).

InfoSpiders will identify themselves as 'InfoSpiders' User-Agents
and with my name and email in the From field. Please let me know
if their behavior causes any problems.

InfoSpiders/0.1 are a first prototype of a client-based search
engine based on an artificial life model. The research project
is carried out by the Cognitive Computer Science Research Group,
Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of
California, San Diego. For more information, please check out
our web page, at:

Filippo Menczer

Snail mail: UCSD CSE, La Jolla, CA 92093-0114, USA
Lab phone: (619) 534-8187
Home phone: (619) 587-7005
Fax: (619) 534-7029
