CyberPromo shut down at last!!!

Richard Gaskin - Fourth World (
Fri, 18 Oct 96 15:03:24 -0000

I rec'd an anonymous call today from someone who advised me to do a
tracereoute on - here are the results:

/usr/etc/traceroute: unknown host
/usr/etc/traceroute: unknown host

It seems that both of their main servers have been pulled down, and my
source indicates that this will remain in effect as long as people
continue to voice their concerns about the expense of CyberPromo's
unethical practices, which in addition to flooding the net with unwanted
mail have included a long series of fraudulent "Reply-To" addresses and
failing to honor "Remove" requests.

Once again, the power of the people steps in where no government
institution has proven effective. All of you who had complained to the
ISP should pat yourselves on the back.

- Richard Gaskin
Fourth World
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