Re: Admitting the obvious

Richard Gaskin (
Wed, 13 Nov 96 15:13:11 -0000

>> Spammers do what spammers do and you can't prevent it.
>All too true.
>Why can't other "educated" personnel understand this?

Because the logic is specious.

Using the same reasoning, one could assert with equal confidence that
arsonists do what arsonists do, terrorists do what terrorists do, etc. ad
nauseum, and all we can do is just learn to live with it.

Humans long ago decided that there are certain behaviors which contradict
the greater goals of the community, and so we established laws and means
of enforcing those laws. I trust this is not an introduction to such

In the 1980's, we could have rolled over and said: "Junk faxers will do
what junk faxers do, and all we can do is to keep feeding them by buying
more fax paper."

Fortunately, the majority were not so passive and a law was enacted which
pretty much shut down the emerging advertising-by-fax industry before it
got too far out of hand. Same with pyramid schemes, investment frauds,
and hucksters and hoodlums of every sort.

Yes, there will always be hucksters and hoodlums, just as surely as there
will be suckers who buy things like emailing lists, and people without
the will or insight to change the undesirable elements of society.

But history has also shown that there will always be those who strive to
improve culture, at times in spite of a lack of support from the very
elements in the culture that benefit from such striving.

- Richard Gaskin
Fourth World
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