Re: An extended version of the Robots...

Martijn Koster (
Fri, 15 Nov 1996 17:02:46 -0800

At 1:09 PM 11/15/96, Hallvard B Furuseth wrote:

>>> Show;R;I: /foo.*bar # regexp; ignore case
>>> Show;3-: /baz.* # Only for robot versions 3 and later
>> Complex...
>Why, no.
>;R is no more complex than parsing the Allow/Disallow: arguments to find
>out whether they are a regexps, explicit or general matches. And it's
>safer because explicit matches can't accidentally be parsed as regexps
>if we insert an URL with an unusual character.
>;I is no more complex than an Ignore-Case: field if we want that
>;3- *is* maybe more complex than a Robot-Version: field, if that is
>introduced somehow. Like I said, I'm not sure I like that one.

I didn't mean conceptually complex, or complex to implewment,
just syntactically complex for people who aren't used to looking at code.
"Disallow" or "DisallowRegexp" are more obvious and easier on the eyes.

-- Martijn


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