Re: User-Agent

Klaus Johannes Rusch (
Wed, 20 Nov 1996 23:56:14 CET

In <>, David Banes <> writes:
> Hi,
> I'm new to this mailing list, I've been reading for a few days and have
> read Martijn's RFC, now and have a question.
> If I'm developing a bot and using OLE Automation (initially with
> Netscape Navigator) and want to conform to robots.txt (SRE?).
> Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can handle the User-Agent
> part. You'll all be aware that Navigator is going to announce itself as
> Mozilla. The only way round this that I can see is to use 'normal'
> sockets code to send my own User-Agent header down to the server BEFORE
> firing off Navigator. At least I can then get the bot 'registered' with
> each server I hit, just in case someone wants to complain :)

You could set up Netscape to go via a proxy server, and then create a minimal
proxy server stripping off the User-Agent header and inserting it's own one,
or at least say something like

"Mozilla/... via proxy TheOLERobot/0.01"

Modifying a server to act as such a proxy should be fairly simple (even with
fully replacing the header line).

Klaus Johannes Rusch

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