Re: who/what uses robots.txt
Fri, 22 Nov 1996 15:15:43 -0700

At 01:56 PM 11/22/96 -0800, you wrote:
> (Martijn Koster) writes:
>> At 2:40 PM 11/21/96, Erik Selberg wrote:
>> >Of course that leaves things that an author considers a "bar" an out
>> >not to follow a standard, even if other folks consider it a "foo."
>> But at the end of the day we cannot force authors to follow the
>> standard even if they themselves would agree it is in fact a foo.
>> So you haven't really lost anything.
>> You can only get so far with a BNF -- the rest has to be gentle (?)
>> persuasion :-)
>ah, but it's far easier to persuade when you can say "See, you fit our
>clear definition of a Foo, support our standard" versus "I think
>you're a foo, even though you do not, so support our standard."
>Better get it right the first time then always patching holes that
>people weasel out of.

Can this be a rational, cogent voice I hear above the din...? Wow. I guess
sooner or later *oganization* sprouts spontaneously from any chaotic system,
given enough time...


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