IIS and If-modified-since [was Re: stingy yahoo server?]

Dan Gildor (gyld@best.com)
Mon, 9 Dec 1996 08:25:02 -0800 (PST)

Ok... well, I give up. What is the magic incantation to get IIS to give
back a 304 status? I look through the server logs, and there are 304's all
over the place. However, when I telnet to the web server and make a
conditional request, it retuns the document with a 200 code.

So how do I get it to behave properly?


:> > I'm curious. I just implemented a little test to see how
:> > If-modified-since, and I noticed that IIS doesn't behave properly (it
:> > returns the document anyway).

:> Dan,

:> the server may ignore the If-modified-since header, and send the document
:> anyway. A good server, however, would probably not want to send a document
:> which already is at the client.

:> Klaus Johannes Rusch
:> --
:> e8726057@student.tuwien.ac.at, KlausRusch@atmedia.net
:> http://www.atmedia.net/KlausRusch/
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