Re: Inktomi & large scale spidering

Martin Hamilton (
Sun, 26 Jan 1997 12:37:04 +0000

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii writes:

| I think we can all agree the aliweb model was not the greatest idea.
| If webmaster have to create the index manually it will not gain
| widespread support. If somebody were to invent a nice clean java
| app that would form the index and took virtually no time to setup
| perhaps you could get some support. However, there were a number
| of great perl scripts to form site indices for aliweb and very few
| sites used them. Would and applet be enough less configuration
| and hassle that people might actually use it??? Nobody knows. I
| guess there is only one way to find out, but I'm not going to rush
| out and write it.

I suspect the most effective approach would be to make this automatic
index generation a feature of the WWW server itself - i.e. something
which the server admin doesn't have to install & configure separately.
Let them add manually generated metadata, and let the indexer harvest
author-supplied metadata (e.g. embedded in HTML docs), but don't rely
on either of these. Oh, and ship the HTTP daemon with this feature
turned on by default ;-)



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