robot-id: getbot robot-name: GetBot robot-cover-url: robot-details-url: robot-owner-name: Alex Zavatone robot-owner-url: robot-owner-email: robot-status: robot-purpose: maintenance robot-type: standalone robot-platform: robot-availability: robot-exclusion: no. robot-exclusion-useragent: robot-noindex: robot-host: robot-from: no robot-useragent: ??? robot-language: Shockwave/Director. robot-description: GetBot's purpose is to index all the sites it can find that contain Shockwave movies. It is the first bot or spider written in Shockwave. The bot was originally written at Macromedia on a hungover Sunday as a proof of concept. - Alex Zavatone 3/29/96 robot-history: robot-environment: modified-date: Fri Mar 29 20:06:12 1996. modified-by: