robot-id: joebot robot-name: JoeBot robot-cover-url: robot-details-url: robot-owner-name: Ray Waldin robot-owner-url: robot-owner-email: robot-status: robot-purpose: robot-type: standalone robot-platform: robot-availability: robot-exclusion: yes robot-exclusion-useragent: robot-noindex: robot-host: robot-from: yes robot-useragent: JoeBot/x.x, robot-language: java JoeBot is a generic web crawler implemented as a collection of Java classes which can be used in a variety of applications, including resource discovery, link validation, mirroring, etc. It currently limits itself to one visit per host per minute. robot-description: robot-history: robot-environment: modified-date: Sun May 19 08:13:06 1996. modified-by: