robot-id: linkwalker robot-name: LinkWalker robot-cover-url: robot-details-url: robot-owner-name: Roy Bryant robot-owner-url: robot-owner-email: robot-status: active robot-purpose: maintenance, statistics robot-type: standalone robot-platform: windowsNT robot-availability: none robot-exclusion: yes robot-exclusion-useragent: linkwalker robot-noindex: yes robot-host: * robot-from: yes robot-useragent: LinkWalker robot-language: c++ robot-description: LinkWalker generates a database of links. We send reports of bad ones to webmasters. robot-history: Constructed late 1997 through April 1998. In full service April 1998. robot-environment: service modified-date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 modified-by: Roy Bryant