robot-id: solbot robot-name: Solbot robot-cover-url: robot-details-url: robot-owner-name: Frank Tore Johansen robot-owner-url: robot-owner-email: robot-status: active robot-purpose: indexing robot-type: standalone robot-platform: unix robot-availability: none robot-exclusion: yes robot-exclusion-useragent: solbot robot-noindex: yes robot-host: robot* robot-from: robot-useragent: Solbot/1.0 LWP/5.07 robot-language: perl, c robot-description: Builds data for the Kvasir search service. Only searches sites which ends with one of the following domains: "no", "se", "dk", "is", "fi"robot-history: This robot is the result of a 3 years old late night hack when the Verity robot (of that time) was unable to index sites with iso8859 characters (in URL and other places), and we just _had_ to have something up and going the next day... robot-environment: service modified-date: Tue Apr 7 16:25:05 MET DST 1998 modified-by: Frank Tore Johansen