robot-id: spiderbot robot-name: SpiderBot 1.0 - P.F.C. "Recuperador p.ginas Web" de Ignacio Cruzado Nu.o (U.B.U.) robot-cover-url: robot-details-url: robot-owner-name: Ignacio Cruzado Nu.o : Student of "Computer Engineering" at Burgos University(Spain) robot-owner-url: robot-owner-email: robot-status: development robot-purpose: indexing robot-type: standalone, browser robot-platform: unix, windows, windows95 robot-availability: source, binary, data robot-exclusion: yes robot-exclusion-useragent: yes robot-noindex: yes robot-host: * robot-from: yes robot-useragent: yes robot-language: C++ robot-description: Recovers Web Pages and saves them on your hard disk. Then it reindexes them. robot-history: This Robot belongs to Ignacio Cruzado Nu.o University Degree to obtain the titulation of "Management Informatics Engineering" in the Burgos University (Spain) robot-environment: research modified-date: Mon, 29 Dec 1998 10:00:00 GMT modified-by: Ignacio Cruzado Nu.o