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To browse the contents pages of back issues of D-Lib Magazine, select the appropriate item from the list below. You may also browse alphabetized lists of stories, editorials, and briefings by author or title or you may search the contents of the monthly magazine and reference pages.
January 2002 – Volume 8 Issue 1 [ Full Contents ]
Opinion: Beyond the Scriptorium: The Role of the Library in Text Encoding
Author: Suzana Sukovic
Article: A Spectrum of Interoperability: The Site for Science Prototype for the NSDL
Authors: William Y. Arms, Diane Hillmann, Carl Lagoze, Dean Krafft, Richard Marisa, John Saylor, Carol Terrizzi, Herbert Van de Sompel
Article: Re-inventing the Wheel? Standards, Interoperability and Digital Cultural Content
Authors: Tony Gill, Paul Miller
Article: Preservation Risk Management for Web Resources: Virtual Remote Control in Cornell's Project Prism
Authors: Anne R. Kenney, Nancy Y. McGovern, Peter Botticelli, Richard Entlich, Carl Lagoze, Sandra Payette
Article: Safekeeping: A Cooperative Approach to Building a Digital Preservation Resource
Authors: Hilary Berthon, Susan Thomas, Colin Webb
Article: Object Persistence and Availability in Digital Libraries
Authors: Michael L. Nelson, B. Danette Allen
Article: Illinois Digital Cultural Heritage Community - Collaborative Interactions among Libraries, Museums and Elementary Schools
Authors: Nuala A. Bennett, Beth Sandore, Evangeline S. Pianfetti
February 2002 – Volume 8 Issue 2 [ Full Contents ]
Opinion: Digital Preservation and Deep Infrastructure
Author: Stewart Granger
Article: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Progress Report and Workplan for 2002
Authors: Makx Dekkers, Stuart L. Weibel
Article: Video Gaming, Education and Digital Learning Technologies: Relevance and Opportunities
Author: John Kirriemuir
Article: Digital Collections of Real World Objects
Authors: Hendrik P.A. Lensch, Michael Goesele, Hans-Peter Seidel
Article: The MusArt Music-Retrieval System: An Overview
Authors: William Birmingham, Bryan Pardo, Colin Meek, Jonah Shifrin
Article: eML: Taking Mississippi Libraries into the 21st Century
Authors: Renée Goodvin, Brooke Lippy
March 2002 – Volume 8 Issue 3 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Digital Division Is Cultural Exclusion. But Is Digital Inclusion Cultural Inclusion?
Author: Karen Worcman
Article: We Come from around the World and Share Similar Visions
Author: Maurita Peterson Holland
Article: Oksale: An Indigenous Approach to Creating a Virtual Library of Education Resources
Authors: Loriene Roy, Peter Larsen
Article: Whose Rules? Intellectual Property, Culture and Indigenous Communities
Author: Michael Seadle
April 2002 – Volume 8 Issue 4 [ Full Contents ]
Article: The National Digital Information Infrastructure Preservation Program: Expectations, Realities, Choices and Progress to Date
Author: Amy Friedlander
Article: Metadata Principles and Practicalities
Authors: Erik Duval, Wayne Hodgins, Stuart Sutton, Stuart L. Weibel
Article: Challenges for Service Providers When Importing Metadata in Digital Libraries
Authors: Marilyn McClelland, David McArthur, Sarah Giersch, Gary Geisler
Article: Integrated and Aggregated Reference Services: The Automation of Drudgery
Author: Adam Hodgkin
May 2002 – Volume 8 Issue 5 [ Full Contents ]
Article: A Metadata Registry for the Semantic Web
Authors: Rachel Heery, Harry Wagner
Article: Meta-Design of a Community Digital Library
Authors: Michael Wright, Mary Marlino, Tamara Sumner
Article: Levels of Service for Digital Repositories
Author: William G. LeFurgy
Article: Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property Rights: A Digital Library Context
Author: Robert Sullivan
June 2002 – Volume 8 Issue 6 [ Full Contents ]
Opinion: Building the Biodiversity Commons
Author: Thomas Moritz
Article: Primary Multimedia Objects and 'Educational Metadata': A Fundamental Dilemma for Developers of Multimedia Archives
Author: Paul Shabajee
Article: Evaluation of Digital Library Impact and User Communities by Analysis of Usage Patterns
Authors: Johan Bollen, Rick Luce
July/August 2002 – Volume 8 Issue 7/8 [ Full Contents ]
Article: A Framework for Evaluating Digital Library Services
Authors: Sayeed Choudhury, Benjamin Hobbs, Mark Lorie, Nicholas Flores
Article: Interdisciplinarity: The Road Ahead for Education in Digital Libraries
Author: Anita Coleman
Article: Federated Digital Rights Management: A Proposed DRM Solution for Research and Education
Authors: Mairéad Martin, David L. Kuhlman, John H. McNair, William A. Rhodes, Ron Tipton, Grace Agnew
Article: Learning Lessons Holistically in the Glasgow Digital Library
Authors: Dennis Nicholson, George Macgregor
Article: Digitizing Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps™ for a Full Color, Publicly Accessible Collection
Author: Kenning Arlitsch
Article: My Library at Virginia Commonwealth University: Third Year Evaluation
Author: James Ghaphery
September 2002 – Volume 8 Issue 9 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Evaluation Methodologies for Information Management Systems
Author: Emile L. Morse
Article: Building Digital Tobacco Industry Document Libraries at the University of California, San Francisco Library/Center for Knowledge Management
Authors: Heidi Schmidt, Karen Butter, Cynthia Rider
Article: Experiments with the IFLA Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR)
Authors: Thomas B. Hickey, Edward T. O'Neill, Jenny Toves
Article: Coming to TERM: Designing the Texas Email Repository Model
Authors: Marlan Green, Sue Soy, Stan Gunn, Patricia Galloway
October 2002 – Volume 8 Issue 10 [ Full Contents ]
Article: Comparing Library and User Related Costs of Print and Electronic Journal Collections: A First Step Towards a Comprehensive Analysis
Authors: Carol Hansen Montgomery, Donald W. King
Article: Open Citation Linking: The Way Forward
Authors: Steve Hitchcock, Tim Brody, Christopher Gutteridge, Les Carr, Wendy Hall, Stevan Harnad, Donna Bergmark, Carl Lagoze
Article: Toward a Global Digital Library: Generalizing US-Korea Collaboration on Digital Libraries
Authors: Edward A. Fox, Reagan W. Moore, Ronald L. Larsen, Sung Hyon Myaeng, Sung-Hyuk Kim
Article: Information Retrieval by Semantic Analysis and Visualization of the Concept Space of D-Lib® Magazine
Authors: Junliang Zhang, Javed Mostafa, Himansu Tripathy
November 2002 – Volume 8 Issue 11 [ Full Contents ]
Opinion: Institutional Repositories: Partnering with Faculty to Enhance Scholarly Communication
Author: Richard K. Johnson
Article: The NSF National Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Digital Library (NSDL) Program: New Projects in Fiscal Year 2002
Author: Lee L. Zia
Article: Software for Building a Full-Featured Discipline-Based Web Portal: The Scout Portal Toolkit
Authors: Edward Almasy, David Sleasman, Rachael Bower
Article: A Metadata Framework Developed at the Tsinghua University Library to Aid in the Preservation of Digital Resources
Author: Jingfang Niu
Article: A Scalable Architecture for Harvest-Based Digital Libraries: The ODU/Southampton Experiments
Authors: Xiaoming Liu, Kurt Maly, Mohammad Zubair, Michael L. Nelson, Tim Brody, Stevan Harnad, Les Carr
Article: The Design and Evaluation of Interactivities in a Digital Library
Authors: Muniram Budhu, Anita Coleman
December 2002 – Volume 8 Issue 12 [ Full Contents ]
Opinion: A Framework for Digital Library Research: Broadening the Vision
Author: Dagobert Soergel
Article: Uncovering Information Hidden in Web Archives: A Glimpse at Web Analysis Building on Data Warehouses
Authors: Andreas Rauber, Robert M. Bruckner, Andreas Aschenbrenner, Oliver Witvoet, Max Kaiser
Article: Towards Continuous Web Archiving: First Results and an Agenda for the Future
Author: Julien Masanès
Article: The Open Video Digital Library
Authors: Gary Marchionini, Gary Geisler
Article: After Migration to an Electronic Journal Collection: Impact on Faculty and Doctoral Students
Authors: Donald W. King, Carol Hansen Montgomery
Article: Who Is Reading On-line Education Journals? Why? And What Are They Reading?
Authors: Lawrence M. Rudner, Jennifer S. Gellmann, Marie Miller-Whitehead