Volume 10 Number 4
ISSN 1082-9873
Found Any Good Information Lately?
While I was reading the April 13, 2004, Wall Street Journal, a front-page article caught my eye. It was about The Current News Early Bird, a daily news digest put together by Pentagon staff for military officials who need a quick way to keep up with the "most influential military reporting from around the world". The article made me consider what resources I use to keep up with news and information about digital libraries. Quite a few, as it turns out, but that is hardly surprising considering the broad base and diversity of the digital library field.
Putting together D-Lib Magazine's two monthly columns ("In Brief" and "Clips and Pointers"), as well as selecting an outstanding collection or website for the monthly "Featured Collection", motivates me to spend quite a bit of time searching online for content. In addition, a great deal of news comes to me through listservs, weblogs, and open access magazines to which I subscribe. I receive hardcopy journals through my memberships in various professional associations, and I obtain valuable information from technology updates I've signed up to receive via email from national news organizations. Yet even with all these information resources at my disposal, I sometimes wonder if I'm missing some particularly good piece of information to pass along to the readers of D-Lib Magazine.
I use "In Print" and "Point to Point"two sections of the "Clips and Pointers columnto inform readers about new open access publications and topical resource lists, respectively, and I use the "In Brief" column to pass along information about new digital library projects, programs, and tools. In the "In the News" section of "In Brief" you'll find excerpts from non-commercial press releases, news items, and announcements.
I hope you find these sections of the magazine useful. However, if you have ever thought that something should have been listed in those D-Lib columns but wasn't, I encourage you to please let me know. If I use the information you send to D-Lib, I'll be more than happy to acknowledge you as the source.
Bonita Wilson
Copyright© 2004 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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