D-Lib Magazine
May 2003
Volume 9 Number 4
ISSN 1082-9873
In Brief
The GLobal Access Management Project (GLAM)
Contributed by:
Lee Kattenhorn
GLAM Project Officer
University of London Library
London, United Kingdom
The University of London External Programme <http://www.londonexternal.ac.uk/%20> and the University of London Library <http://www.ull.ac.uk/library/introduction.shtml> are currently undertaking the GLAM project <http://www.glam.lon.ac.uk/>, funded by the UK's Joint Information Systems Committee, Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting programme (AAA) <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/index.cfm?name=programme_aaa>. The aims of the project are primarily concerned with evaluating the provision of online resources using the PAPI (Point of Access to Providers of Information) software.
PAPI is being developed in Spain by the Spanish National Research Network - RedIRIS <http://www.rediris.es/app/papi/index.en.html> and gives organisations such as a library the opportunity to manage the authentication and authorisation of their users. The benefits to the user of an e-campus are that PAPI allows a single sign on; users only enter their username/password once to obtain access to all their permitted online resources. Furthermore, the service is transparent to the user and allows access from computers outside of the physical campus. Access to resources through PAPI can be set to specific time limits that are defined by the host organisation. The installation of PAPI is such that it allows interaction with a student registry database to verify the user and the permissions associated with that user. This is completed through the use of temporary tokens or cookies that provide secure authentication and authorisation information for each individual session.
The PAPI evaluation process will address a broad range of issues. Some of the key points the study will focus upon are:
- Does PAPI offer e-resource suppliers appropriate levels of security for license provision?
- How easy is the administration of PAPI in providing e-resources to user groups?
- Is the PAPI interface both usable and accessible especially in relation to the UK's Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Act (SENDA) <http://www.hmso.gov.uk/acts/acts2001/20010010.htm> with which all UK educational establishments must legally comply?
- What is the speed of access to e-resources via PAPI, especially for those students overseas who may have unreliable Internet connections?
- Does PAPI operate within a range of browsers and operating systems?
- How flexible is PAPI in providing access to resources from a variety of locations, e.g. Internet café, home and public library?
- Does PAPI allow easy collection of e-resource usage statistics?
Further information about the GLAM project and a detailed project plan is available from the GLAM website <http://www.glam.lon.ac.uk> or by emailing the project team: <glam@lon.ac.uk>.
DigitalWell: Screaming Media Asset Management
Contributed by:
Jim DeRoest
Director Streaming Media Technologies
Seattle, WA, USA
DigitalWell <http://www.digitalwell.org>, a new digital asset management and delivery system from the University of Washington and ResearchChannel, provides a scalable automated solution for acquisition, cataloging and delivery of large collections of digital assets. The DigitalWell project began 3 years ago and explores models for managing and distributing high quality digital assets over next generation networks. DigitalWell is essentially a multimedia data warehouse. The system architecture is based on clustered pluggable components, enabling incremental scaling, load sharing, fail-over, and evolution with new technology over time.
DigitalWell is comprised of four service elements:
- A Request Director Service that intercepts client media asset requests, applies access and rights controls, effects asset state change, and re-directs client requests to the appropriate ingestion or delivery service. Authentication services are based on the Internet2 WebISO model <http://middleware.internet2.edu/webiso/> with future Shibboleth <http://shibboleth.internet2.edu> support.
- A Remote Stream Manager Service responsible for tracking asset state within the system, and initiating data movement between storage devices and target rendering and delivery servers.
- A Metadata Service for cataloging media assets using an enhanced Dublin Core and MPEG7 application profile. The schema is extensible and supports stored profiles to streamline content administration. The metadata service supports the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). Collection metadata will also be reflected in the NSDL-funded Moving Image Collections directory service (http://gondolin.rutgers.edu/MIC) under development for the Library of Congress and Association of Moving Image Archivists. The MARS PBCore schema <http://www.ischool.washington.edu/mars/Default.htm> is being included to support PBS programming.
- Tera-scale Hierarchical Mass Storage (HSM) infrastructure. The mass store service reliably archives, secures and enables fast retrieval of media assets. The distributed nature of the storage architecture supports geographic separation and duplication of content for disaster recovery purposes and scalability. The Globus toolkit support (http://www.globus.org> is being incorporated to facilitate movement of large, high-definition assets between federated storage systems.
DigitalWell is data agnostic, with media types ranging from documents and photos to streaming audio and video. DigitalWell on-demand streaming services include industry standard formats (Windows Media, Real, Quicktime, MP3, MPEG2 and MPEG4) at bit-rates ranging from low speed 28kbps modem, to broadcast quality high definition video at 19mbps, to studio quality high definition video at 270mbps.
A simple web-based interface allows users to create hierarchical collections of mixed media types. Collections may be managed by groups, with access controls applied at the collection, sub-collection or individual asset level. Media assets may be referenced via URL or an API interface. API conformance with the Open Knowledge Initiative specification is under development.
Example web sites using DigitalWell include ResearchChannel <http:/www.researchchannel.org>, UWTV <http://www.uwtv.org>, and KEXP radio <http://kexp.org>. These examples include automated integration of broadcast schedules to on-demand programming archives. DigitalWell is also being rolled out to University of Washington students, faculty and staff during the spring quarter of 2003, including integration with Catalyst SimpleSite and Portfolio tools <http://catalyst.washington.edu/>. DigitalWell easily adapts to the diverse use requirements of classroom and outreach education, TV/Radio broadcast, digital libraries, and many other research activities.
The Xtensible Past: XML as a Means for Easy Access to Historical Research Data and a Strategy for Digital Preservation
Contributed by:
Annelies van Nispen and Laurents Sesink
Project Leaders Xpast
Netherlands Historical Data Archive
The Netherlands Institute for Scientific Information Services
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
<xpast@niwi.knaw.nl> or <annelies.van.nispen@niwi.knaw.nl>
The Netherlands Historical Data Archive (NHDA) is part of the Netherlands Institute of Scientific Information Services (NIWI). The NHDA preserves and gives access to a heterogeneous collection of historical data created by historians for various research projects. Long-term preservation and provision of data access are the main tasks for the NHDA.
The aim of the Xtensible Past pilot project is twofold. On the one hand, the project explores the possibilities of XML (eXtensible Markup Language) and OAI (Open Archives Initiative) for providing better access to and sharing of digital data collections by researchers. On the other hand, the project investigates XML as a new strategy for long-term preservation of research data.
The Netherlands Historical Data Archive (NHDA) preserves and provides access to a heterogeneous collection of historical data created by historians for various research projects.
For preservation and management purposes, all data is converted into ASCII, even though the original formats might have been more user-friendly. Currently, ASCII is the most platform-independent means of storing data. Data sets are documented using DDDI (Dutch Data Documentation Initiative), which is derived from the DDI international standard for documenting data sets. All metadata is published on the NIWI website. If depositors grant permission, the data sets are made available through the NIWI website from which interested researchers can download the ASCII files directly, together with accompanying variable lists/codebooks. The researchers will then have to convert the ASCII files to workable formats themselves.
The Xtensible Past project aims to improve the services of the NHDA to the research community. It will explore the possibility of using XML and OAI for better access to the NHDA collection, but also to research data kept at other institutions. Thus, a virtual archive environment "collaboratory" will be created that gives easy access to different data collections from various locations, and that will improve the exchange of data and information among researchers. The collaboratory will include data from Erasmus University and Utrecht University, as well as from the NHDA collection.
Long-term preservation of research data is also a key issue of the Xtensible Past project. The project will develop a new protocol for managing and preserving the NHDA collections, based on XML as a strategy for the digital preservation of heterogeneous research data. A report will be published at the end of the project.
Project deliverables
The project will provide the research community with the following:
- A virtual archive environment (collaboratory) for the exchange and sharing of historical research data
- Easy access to data at different locations
- User-friendly presentation of data
Duration of the project
1 February 2003 - 1 February 2004
For more information, send inquiries via email to <xpast@niwi.knaw.nl>, or check out the following Websites:
More information will be published on the project website during the coming year.
Contributed by:
James Turner, Professor
École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information
EBSI - Université de Montréal, Canada
Véronique Moal
Assistante de recherche
There are now so many metadata initiatives it is difficult to gain a clear
understanding of what their roles are in the networked environment. The fact that
these initiatives are usually represented by acronyms does not help; nor does the fact that
although many become norms, it is not immediately clear which have achieved this status
and which have not. The MetaMap (called the MétroMéta in French) is an attempt to alleviate the confusion by
sorting out the very many worldwide efforts at working out norms and metadata sets related to information management. The MetaMap has been produced as a study aid to help users
navigate the metadata information space. To represent its content, the MetaMap leans
heavily on the conventions of the London Underground map, since the London Underground map is
noted for its clarity and usefulness in helping users understand complex reality.
In the MetaMap, each standard, metadata set, metadata initiative, or organisation is
represented as a station on a line that has a theme. These themes include processes of
information management: "Creation", "Organisation", "Dissemination", and "Preservation";
institutions with expertise in information management: "Libraries", "Archives", and
"Museums"; and types of digital documentation: "Text", "Still Images", "Moving Images", and
Sound. Organisations deeply involved in Web activity and metadata norms, such
as the World Wide Web Consortium, OCLC, the IETF, the IEEE, etc., are
included on a separate line. Elements common to more than one theme are
represented as nodes in the network. For example, SMIL, the Synchronized
Multimedia Integration Language, is common to the lines representing "Text",
"Still Images", "Moving Images", and "Sound". Similarly, other nodes represent
intersections of themes. Branch lines are created where norms such as XML or
Dublin Core spawn other norms, as a way of showing these relationships. Within
a line, an attempt is made to order the stations to show relationships among them. Because of the complexity of the representation, no one criterion can be
used for ordering all the lines, but those so far adopted have to do with
various types of conceptual relationships among the norms, such as the purpose
for which they were created, their relatedness within the theme of the subway
line, or their chronological development. Faced with the impossibility of
ever being able to represent the information as clearly as we would like to
within this structure, we have nevertheless taken things as far
as we can.
When the user passes the mouse over a station name, a popup window displays the expanded name of the acronym. A mouse click on the name opens a window with other useful information, such as the purpose of the metadata initiative, the initiative's
sponsor, and links to its official website and other useful, related Web sites. Since this
information is included in a page containing information for the whole thematic
line, users can read the information about related metadata initiatives by
scrolling through the page. The English and French Web versions of the MetaMap
can be found at <http://mapageweb.umontreal.ca/turner/>.
Negotiations with partners are currently underway to produce versions of the map in other languages.
XML Name Access Control Repository
Contributed by:
Ki-Tat Lam
Head, Library Systems
Louisa Kwok
Head, Cataloging Department
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Library
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
The XML Name Access Control Repository is an initiative of Hong Kong University of Science & Technology Library and is intended to address the problems experienced by catalogers and library catalog users in identifying personal authors whose names are in non-Latin scripts.
In view of the limitations that currently exist in library systems and cataloging standards regarding the recording and linking of multi-lingual name information, we conducted a research for new approaches to deal with the problem. As a result of our study, we developed a Person Model based on the name access control concept, designed a metadata schema derived from the Library of Congress' MARC XML, and implemented the Repository on an XML-based document management system.
Borrowing the concepts from FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) published by IFLA, the Person Model establishes relationships among the Person, Name, and Name Form entities. A Name is an expression addressing the Person and can be manifested in multiple Name Forms, depending on the applicable script, language and romanization schemes.
The concept of name access control, on which the Repository is based, has been under discussion in the library community for many years. Name access control expands the role of name authority control. Instead of focusing on pre-determined authorized name forms, a name access control record acts as a central place for enriched information about different name forms of an author. The Name Access Control (NAC) record in the Repository contains much richer information than an authority record, such as the relationship among various name forms, their language and script attributes.
In the present cataloging environment, authority records are created based on bibliographic existence. Different authority records are created if the author has different bibliographic identities. However, for a more efficient name access control, we believe that a particular person's different name forms should not be stored in multiple records. This idea was implemented in the Repository, with a single NAC record for each person.
Because of the richness of the NAC metadata schema, authority records in different MARC formats can be generated as required. We have so far implemented the conversion to MARC21 Model A and B, and China MARC. A ZING (Z39.50 International: Next Generation) SRU (Search and Retrieval by URL) interface is also available for remote searching from client applications.
The Repository is integrated with our cataloging operations and local library system, INNOPAC. The cataloger can pull an authority record from
INNOPAC in real-time into the Repository and enhance it by adding non-Latin scripts and attributes to the different name forms and linking the variant forms of a name. The record can then be put back into INNOPAC in MARC21 format.
Although this initiative is currently a local implementation, there is great potential for the adoption of its underlying concepts and metadata design by larger projects, for example, building regional/national authority control databases or metadata harvesting of name information. Our vision is to extend this initiative into inter-institutional collaborations so that we can take a significant step forward in addressing the access issue of multi-lingual information in names.
For more details about the NAC project and to access the Repository, please visit our Web site at <http://library.ust.hk/info/nac/>.
In the News
Recent Press Releases and Announcements
Lund University Launches Directory of Open Access Journals
Announced by Peter Suber, BOAI Forum, May 12, 2003
"Lund, Sweden - Lund University Libraries today launches the Directory of
Open Access Journals (DOAJ, http://www.doaj.org), supported by the
Information Program of the Open Society Institute (
http://www.osi.hu/infoprogram), along with SPARC (The Scholarly
Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, (http://www.arl.org/sparc).
The directory contains information about 350 open access journals, i.e.
quality controlled scientific and scholarly electronic journals that are
freely available on the web. The service will continue to grow as new
journals are identified."
"The goal of the Directory of Open Access Journals is to increase the
visibility and accessibility of open access scholarly journals, thereby
promoting their increased usage and impact. The directory aims to
comprehensively cover all open access scholarly journals that use an
appropriate quality control system. Journals in all languages and subject
areas will be included in the DOAJ."
"The database records will be freely available for reuse in other services
and can be harvested by using the OAI-PMH (http://www.openarchives.org),
thus further increasing the visibility of the journals. The further
development of DOAJ will continue with version 2, which will offer the
enhanced feature of allowing the journals to be searched at the article
level, and is expected to be available in late fall 2003."
For further information, please see the DOAI web site at <http://www.doaj.org>.
Survey of the Zetoc Service Is Being Conducted
Announced by Jane Stevenson, University of Manchester, April 23, 2003
"Zetoc (http://zetoc.mimas.ac.uk) provides access to the British
Library Electronic Table of
Contents (ETOC) database, a vast research resource of nearly 20
million journal articles and conference papers. The database
the 20,000 journals that are most requested from the British Library
by the global research community, as well as a unique collection of
160,000 conference proceedings. It includes an email alerting
facility, allowing users to keep up-to-date with the latest
developments in their field of research."
"Last year we undertook an evaluation, designed to let us know what
users think about the service, how they use it and how they would
the service to be improved. We received over 650 responses to this
survey, providing us with a good understanding of users' opinions
preferences. We are now undertaking a short follow-up survey, to
whether the developments that we have made have been
"The follow-up questionnaire will only take a short time to complete
and will be of great help to us in keeping the user-led focus to zetoc
"Access the questionnaire from
(Zetoc is only freely available to UK higher and further education. As an alternative to zetoc, the British Library provides a service called "inside", which gives access to the same data available from zetoc.)
For further information, please contact Jane Stevenson at <jane.stevenson@man.ac.uk>.
The European Library (TEL) / Gabriel Questionnaire on Internet Usage and the Gabriel Website
An announcement, April 24, 2003, from John Lowrey, The British Library
"Gabriel, the World Wide Web service of the European National Libraries, acts as a gateway to the holdings and treasures of 41 European National Libraries from 39 members of the Council of Europe. Gabriel's mission is:
"...to provide information about Europe's National Libraries, their collections and their services in order to facilitate access to them, and to foster the development of new services based on a shared infrastructure"
"Since the launch of the Gabriel service in 1997, interest in and usage of the website has increased each year. The service was restructured and redesigned in 2002 in order to meet the changing requirements of its users. The new Gabriel service also takes advantage of the latest developments in Internet technology."
"In addition, Gabriel plays an important role in the development of The European Library [http://www.europeanlibrary.org], a project aimed at developing a pan-European library that will allow users to find and download books and other collections from various European libraries."
"In order to obtain a better understanding of what users expect from the Gabriel website, and to learn more about their online behaviour, the Gabriel Team has produced an online questionnaire."
"...The questionnaire can be found on all of the five Gabriel websites:
University of California Libraries Unveil New Melvyl Catalog
April 23, 2003, California Digital Library: "Today the California Digital Library rolls out the new online Melvyl-T catalog, allowing library patrons — faculty, students, staff, and other researchers as well as the public at large — to search a state-of-the-art catalog of the millions of books, journals and other items held by the libraries of the University of California campuses. "
"Compared to the legacy Melvyl catalog — which will continue operating until August 2003 in parallel to the new catalog — Melvyl-T has a new format and design, offers users a variety of enhanced features, and contains completely updated data for the holdings of the UC system. Once the legacy Melvyl catalog has been retired, Melvyl-T (for Transition) will become Melvyl."
"Melvyl-T is at <http://melvyl.cdlib.org> and also available via the California Digital Library (CDL) web site (http://www.cdlib.org), which contains information about the catalog and other digital collections and services. The catalog is based on the union catalog module of the ALEPH500 library automation system developed by Ex Libris, a leading developer of library systems worldwide."
"Melvyl-T contains entries for many materials in formats beyond books and journals (e.g., manuscripts, maps, visual media, microforms and government documents) owned by the UC Libraries. In addition, predefined subsets of the catalog have been created to allow dedicated searching for online resources, for musical scores, and for sound recordings. "
"Immediately evident in Melvyl-T are refined and expanded search features that are a significant advance over the legacy Melvyl catalog, itself long known throughout the world as a pioneer in presenting effective features to patrons. "
For further information, please see the full press release at <http://www.cdlib.org/news/whatsnew.html>.
Berkeley Electronic Press-Powered Institutional Repository Reaches Major Milestones
Announced April 23, 2003, by Greg Tananbaum, Berkeley Electronic Press
"The Berkeley Electronic Press today announced that the eScholarship Repository, a University of California digital collection powered by Berkeley Electronic Press technology, has reached several major milestones. The Repository, which houses a variety of scholarly materials produced under the auspices of University of California research units, centers, and departments, recently posted its 1,500th publication. In addition, the collection also logged its 100,000th full text download, and added its 100th research unit to the active publishing roster. "
"Launched in April 2002 and sponsored jointly by the UC Office of the President and the California Digital Library (CDL), the eScholarship Repository (http://repositories.cdlib.org/escholarship/) has rapidly become an important hub for authors and researchers alike..."
For further information, please contact Greg Tananbaum at <greg@bepress.com>.
Course "Leaders' Visions on the Library of the Future" at Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Announced by Jola Prinsen, Ticer B.V.
From Sunday evening 10 August up to and including Tuesday 12 August 2003, a course will be held at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, aimed at senior managers in libraries, computer centres and publishing houses. Eight leaders in the international library, ICT and academic world will present their vision on the future: how will the library world look in three to five years time? Course director is Hans Geleijnse, Director of Information Service and Systems at the European University Institute in Italy.
Target group
The course aims at directors, other senior managers, and those aspiring to these positions, from academic/research libraries and computer centres. The course also targets senior managers from publishing houses.
The subject will be approached from different points of view, the chief ones being
IT developments relevant to libraries, the future of electronic publishing, e-learning and e-science, supporting collaborative work, better focused services (customisation and personalization), keeping up with the customer (user behaviour, usage, and statistics), the problems of e-only and digital archiving, surviving is co-operating, organisational and staff development, and strategic planning in the 21st century.
- Cyberinfrastructure and new knowledge environments for research and education (Daniel E. Atkins, Professor, School of Information and Director, Alliance for Community Technology, University of Michigan, USA)
- Trends in the information business (lecturer to be confirmed)
- The future of e-publishing (Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information, USA)
- Libraries and e-learning (Prof. Mel Collier, Library Director, Tilburg University Library, NL and Research Professor, University of Northumbria, UK)
- The future role of national libraries (Lynne Brindley, Chief Executive, The British Library, UK)
- University libraries and organizational change (Jan Wilkinson, University Librarian and Keeper of the Brotherton Collection, Leeds University Library, UK)
- Toward the creation of an intentional future: a corporate perspective (Eugenie Prime, Manager, Corporate Libraries, Hewlett Packard Company, USA)
- The road ahead: creating digital library capabilities to support research (Rick Luce, Research Library Director, Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA)
Register, preferably before 1 June 2003, via <http://www.ticer.nl/summer03/form.htm>
The course is organised by Ticer B.V., known from the International Summer School on the Digital Library, in cooperation with Tilburg University and the European University Institute in Italy.
Ticer B.V., Jola Prinsen, P.O. Box 4191, 5004 JD Tilburg, The Netherlands, tel.: +31 - 13 - 668310, fax: +31 - 13 - 4668383, e-mail: <ticer@uvt.nl>
Course "Change: Making it Happen in Your Library" at Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Announced by Jola Prinsen, Ticer B.V.
This three-day course on change management in libraries will take place at Tilburg University, the Netherlands, from Tuesday evening 12 August up to and including Friday 15 August 2003. The course aims to identify new opportunities for libraries, to support librarians in developing a vision, and to provide librarians with tools to initiate a change in their own organisation. The course director is Jan Wilkinson, University Librarian and Keeper of the Brotherton Collection at Leeds University Library.
Target group
The programme is designed for library managers/directors, deputy librarians/directors, and other senior managers involved in strategic change in academic and research libraries.
The following subjects will be dealt with: the changing outside world, library vision, new ways of supporting research and learning, strategic planning, models and frameworks for change management, managing the process of change, organisational change, managing resistance, communication, human resource aspects of change, human resource management, and improvement programmes.
- The context for change (Andrew Green, Librarian, National Library of Wales, UK)
- Visioning and strategic planning for libraries (Eugenie Prime, Manager, Corporate Libraries, Hewlett Packard Company, USA)
- Change management theory and tools: practical sessions on tools and techniques, and a lot of tips (Lucy Jeynes, Director, Larch Consulting, UK)
- frameworks for change,
- key roles in the change process,
- communications,
- people and change (library staff, managing resistance, reward structures)
- Course case study: facilitated workshop sessions, with the opportunity to learn from one another's experience
- Real-life case studies of change processes in libraries by
- Graham Bulpitt, Director, Sheffield Hallam University, Learning Centre, UK
- Dr. Alice Keller, Head, Collection Development, ETH Library, CH
- Deborah Shorley, Librarian, University of Sussex, UK
Register, preferably before 1 June 2003, via <http://www.ticer.nl/summer03/form.htm>.
The course is organised by Ticer B.V., known from the International Summer School on the Digital Library, in cooperation with Tilburg University and the European University Institute in Italy.
Ticer B.V., Jola Prinsen, P.O. Box 4191, 5004 JD Tilburg, The Netherlands, tel.: +31 - 13 - 668310, fax: +31 - 13 - 4668383, e-mail: <ticer@uvt.nl>
Course "Libraries, Electronic Resources, and Electronic Publishing" at Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Announced by Jola Prinsen, Ticer B.V.
This three-day course on electronic resources and e-publishing will be held at Tilburg University, The Netherlands, from Sunday evening 24 August up to and including Wednesday 27 August 2003. Hans Geleijnse, Director of Information Service and Systems at the European University Institute in Florence, is the director of this course, which aims to support university and research libraries in the current transitional phase and to identify new roles and opportunities for them.
Target group
The course is designed for library managers/directors, IT or systems librarians, licensing officers, and digital library project managers from academic and research libraries. The course is highly relevant for publishers.
The following themes will be dealt with: changes in the information chain, new roles for publishers, the library as an information gateway and publisher, the economics of journal publishing, copyright, licensing and library consortia, the art of negotiation, electronic pre-prints and document servers, preservation and digital archiving.
- Trends in e-publishing and comparisons of the cost and use of electronic and print journal collections (Donald W. King, Research Professor, University of Pittsburgh, USA)
- Trends in IT and electronic publishing (Teun Nijssen, Senior Project Manager, Tilburg University, Computer Centre, NL)
- Legal issues in e-publishing: copyright and licensing (Emanuella Giavarra, Copyright Lawyer, Chambers of Mark Watson-Gandy, UK)
- Electronic publishing in practice (Jonathan Clark, Director, ScienceDirect, Elsevier, NL)
- Permanent archiving of electronic publications (Johan Steenbakkers, Director Information Technology and Facility Management, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, NL)
- International library consortia and the information industry: recent developments and future prospects (Arnold Hirshon, Executive Director, NELINET, USA)
- The art of negotiation (Alicia Wise, Head of Development, JISC, UK)
- Open Archives Initiative protocol and its applications for library services (including workshop) (Herbert Van de Sompel, Digital Library Research & Prototyping, Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library, USA)
- The future of e-publishing and the role of universities in the value chain (Hans Roosendaal, Professor of Scientific Information, University of Twente, NL)
- The future role of libraries (Hans Geleijnse, Director of Information Service and Systems, European University Institute, IT)
Register, preferably before 1 June 2003, via <http://www.ticer.nl/summer03/form.htm>.
The course is organised by Ticer B.V., known from the International Summer School on the Digital Library, in cooperation with Tilburg University and the European University Institute in Italy.
Ticer B.V., Jola Prinsen, P.O. Box 4191, 5004 JD Tilburg, The Netherlands, tel.: +31 - 13 - 668310, fax: +31 - 13 - 4668383, e-mail: <ticer@uvt.nl>
National Libraries Join International DOI Foundation
April 2003: "The International DOI Foundation (IDF) announces that an informal consortium of three major national libraries — The British Library (UK), Die Deutsche Bibliothek (Germany) and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (The Netherlands) — has joined the International DOI Foundation. "
"This General Membership results from actions proposed by the IFLA/IPA Steering Group in 2002, which recognised that national libraries are best placed to lead DOI adoption within the library community, in particular given their role in associating bibliographic information to national collections. IFLA's 2003 meeting resolved that it would encourage libraries, and especially national libraries, to join the IDF. Following a consultation procedure between IDF and six national libraries present at the informal meeting in Frankfurt, October last year, the BL, DDB and the KB are joining the IDF, in anticipation of a proposal for membership being considered by the Conference of European National Libraries. The CENL Board of Directors will decide on formal IDF membership of CENL at its meeting in Vilnius in September."
"Through this relationship, a selection of DOI information that is directly relevant for national libraries will be made available via the consortium to the wider CENL and CDNL community...
For further information, please see the full press release at <http://www.doi.org/news/030417-Library.html>.
Oxford Journals Online Usage Statistics COUNTER Compliant
"Oxford University Press (OUP) is delighted to announce that it is among the
first group of vendors to make COUNTER compliant usage statistics available
for its online journals."
"The COUNTER Code of Practice (COP) has been developed to provide a
consistent and credible means of measuring the usage of online products.
Release 1 of the (COP), which focuses on journals and databases, was
released in January 2003 and is published in full on the COUNTER website
<http://www.projectcounter.org>. Oxford University Press signed a formal declaration
of compliance in March 2003."
"...OUP usage reports are compliant from those dated January 2003 onwards.
Historic reports from 2001 onwards will also be compliant by the end of May
For further information, please see the full press release, at <http://www.projectcounter.org/newsrelease_jan.pdf>.
Thousands Search National Archives New Electronic Database
April 8, 2003, College Park, MD: "The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) recently launched Access to Archival Databases (AAD), a new research tool that makes a selection of the Archives' most popular electronic records available to the public over the Internet. The URL is <http://www.archives.gov/aad>."
"AAD is the first publicly accessible application developed under the auspices of the National Archives Electronic Records Archives Program. The Electronic Records Archives Program is addressing the larger challenges of preserving the increasing variety and volume of Government records that have been created and stored in electronic form. AAD addresses just access to a specific type of electronic record-databases and records that are structured like databases."
"In announcing the new system, Archivist of the United States, John W. Carlin said, 'This groundbreaking system will provide a new way for customers to access records over the Internet. Until we launched AAD, researchers needed to contact us directly to gain access to our electronic records. Sometimes we were able to supply them with copies of specific records after a period of time, but frequently they needed to purchase a copy of the entire file. Now they only need access to a computer connected to the Internet to reach these selected records. AAD is a crucial step toward fulfilling our mission by providing the public with ready access to essential evidence'..."
"...Since the launch of AAD, thousands of researchers have flocked to the site. Due to this heavy use, users may experience a wait time to access information. The National Archives is currently working to add additional capacity to the system to meet the demands of users."
For further information, please see the full press release at <http://www.archives.gov/media_desk/press_releases/nr03-34.html>.
Copyright 2003 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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DOI: 10.1045/may2003-inbrief