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EMC Heritage Trust Project Awards
Contributed by: EMC Corporation recently announced the EMC Heritage Trust Project, which recognizes and supports projects in local communities around the world that are designed to protect invaluable information and improve access to it. Examples include digitization of the collections of a local library, museum or historical society; or of a significant private collection of music, letters, or art; or the archives and records of a local business, cultural, or educational institution. EMC Heritage Trust Project awards consist of cash grants ranging from $5,000 to $15,000. Nomination forms and complete program details are available at <http://www.EMC.com/heritage_trust>. The deadline for applications is November 30, 2007. Judging will be completed by January 30, 2008, and grant winners notified by February 14, 2008. Investigating overlay journals: introducing the RIOJA Project
Contributed by: Introduction RIOJA (Repository Interface to Overlaid Journal Archives) is a 1-year partnership between UCL (University College London), Imperial College London, and the Universities of Glasgow, Cambridge and Cornell. The project will work with the Astrophysics community to investigate aspects of overlay journals. For the purposes of the project, an overlay journal is defined as an open access, quality-assured journal whose content is held on one or more repositories. The concept of the overlay journal dates back at least as far as 1996 [1], but exemplars have been few and far between. Modern Astrophysics research offers an interesting environment in which to put an overlay model to the test, because of the growing importance of the arXiv repository to the discipline. Anecdotal evidence suggests not only that depositing papers with arXiv is the norm for this community, but also that arXiv meets many of the community's current awareness needs. In the RIOJA model, a journal overlaid onto arXiv would add quality assurance (whether through peer review or other means) to papers deposited to and stored in the repository. The main function of the journal's Web site would be to guide researchers to "accepted" papers – those awarded its quality stamp after a speedy but robust refereeing process. Those papers would continue to reside on arXiv. This model could potentially deliver fast certification of research, with much lower costs than those associated with the traditional publication model. Project Aims For the project, researchers in Astrophysics are working with librarians and arXiv staff to build a demonstrator overlay journal. This pilot work will also involve the creation of a toolkit, supporting functions such as author validation, metadata extraction from the source repository, and submission tracking. Aside from creating the demonstrator and its underlying tools, the project will endeavour to turn some of the anecdote mentioned above into fact, by carrying out a large-scale survey of the Astrophysics community. The survey will collect data about research practice. It will also probe the views of the community about published journals. The basic overlay model described above only manages the core function of peer review, while journal publishers argue that their services (such as links to data sets) add value to accepted papers. The survey will aim to ascertain which "value-added" services are truly valued by researchers in this discipline. Finally, RIOJA will attempt to analyse the costs of maintaining a functional overlay journal in Astrophysics, incorporating the services identified as most valuable by the survey participants. The costings will take long-term preservation into account, and RIOJA will be working with the UCL/British Library LIFE Project [2] to identify the digital preservation requirements and costs for an arXiv-overlay model. Astrophysics is an example of the close integration of a subject repository into the daily life of the researcher, and repository use is not so firmly embedded in the research workflows of other disciplines. However, the toolkit is being designed to be adaptable, as far as possible, to repository-overlay scenarios in other disciplines, and the survey methodology will also be repeatable in different contexts. Other outputs from the project, like the survey findings and costings analysis, may also help to inform future overlay work in other research communities. Progress The toolkit and demonstrator journal Web site are in development, for completion early in 2008. The questionnaire survey ran between early June and mid-July 2007. Some 4000 Astrophysicists and Cosmologists from the top science institutions (100 academic institutions and 15 non-academic) were invited to participate in the survey and provide their views, and a healthy 683 responses were received. Preliminary findings indicate that researchers are, in general, sympathetic to the overlay model, albeit with concerns about the long-term accessibility of the research material, and the quality of the certification process. A report on the survey will be released towards the end of 2007. Further Information RIOJA is funded by the JISC (the UK Joint Information Systems Committee), and it runs until April 2008. For more information and updates, visit the Project Web site at <http://www.ucl.ac.uk/ls/rioja>. Notes[1] Ginsparg, P. (1996). Winners and Losers in the Global Research Village. Invited contribution, UNESCO Conference HQ, Paris, 19-23 Feb 1996. Available at <http://xxx.lanl.gov/blurb/pg96unesco.html>. [2] LIFE Project: <http://www.life.ac.uk>. Bungee View: An open-source visualization-based interface to search, browse, and data-mine image collections
Contributed by: Faceted catalog browsers support navigation through hierarchies of terms, such as subject headings or place names. Those with tag clouds show terms that are non-hierarchically related to the current search. In both cases, the number of possible navigation choices is limited to a few dozen by the space required for text labels. Bungee View is an end-user interface for browsing a library or museum collection that uses visualization rather than text to enable the display of thousands of hierarchical facets, as well as thousands of non-hierarchical relationships among them. For instance, in images of World War II from the Library of Congress American Memory Collection, 43 of 1712 images have the subject heading "glider", which is 50 times the frequency with which it appears overall. In Bungee View, this relationship is highlighted in the normal course of browsing, just as with tag clouds. Even non-technical users can attend to these relationships, and pursue interesting ones: were gliders used as part of the war effort? If so, how? and why were they better than powered planes? This kind of collection data-mining is potentially an exciting new capability for patron interfaces. Bungee View is open-source, and several collections are available for you to try at <http://cityscape.inf.cs.cmu.edu/bungee/>. I'm eager to work with institutions to make their collections available through Bungee View, or for suggestions to improve it. It is especially well suited to image collections, but other collections could be used as well. Good meta-data is required in any case. In the NewsExcerpts from Recent Press Releases and AnnouncementsCLIR Seeks Public Comment on White PaperSeptember 14, 2007 announcement from Kathlin Smith, CLIR: "The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) seeks public comment on a white paper examining preservation issues relevant to large-scale digitization projects such as those being done by Google, Microsoft, and the Open Content Alliance. The paper, Preservation in the Age of Large-Scale Digitization, was written by Oya Rieger, Interim Assistant University Librarian for Digital Library and Information Technologies at Cornell University Library. It is available at http://www.clir.org/activities/details/mdpres.html." "The paper identifies issues that will influence the availability and usability, over time, of the digital books being created by large-scale digitizing projects, and considers the relationship of these new resources to our print collections. It concludes with a set of recommendations for rethinking a preservation strategy." "In issuing this paper, CLIR aims to stimulate discussion among stakeholders and to generate productive thinking about collaborative approaches to enduring access. To this end, CLIR invites those who submit comments to indicate whether they would like their comments posted publicly on our Web site. CLIR will make public only those comments accompanied by permission to post (let us know if the comments are to be anonymous or signed), and all such comments will be moderated. Comments received without permission to post will be shared only with CLIR staff and the author." "Public comment is sought through Friday, October 5. Please address comments to Kathlin Smith (ksmith@clir.org). CLIR will issue a final print and electronic report later this fall." State Library Awards $425,000 Grant to South Jersey Library CooperativeMoney designated to help manage QandANJ - premier live reference service in nation September 13, 2007 - "The New Jersey State Library <http://www.njstatelib.org> is pleased to announce it is awarding a grant for $425,000 to the South Jersey Regional Library Cooperative based in Gibbsboro to continue its management of QandANJ <http://www.qandanj.org> – a premier live reference service available free to New Jersey library card holders." "QandANJ <http://www.qandanj.org> is a 24 hour online information service staffed by professional librarians from participating libraries across the state. Combining the speed of the Internet with the savvy of professional librarians, QandANJ.org is among the busiest statewide web-based information services in the United States. " For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.njstatelib.org/News/news_item.php?item_id=793>. Public libraries are sole source of online employment and education information for millions of AmericansSeptember 12, 2007 - "Ever-growing patron demand for computer and Internet services in U.S. public libraries has stretched existing Internet bandwidth, computer availability, and building infrastructure to capacity, according to a new study 'Libraries Connect Communities: Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study 2006-2007,' conducted by the American Library Association (ALA) and the Information Use Management and Policy Institute at Florida State University (FSU)." "The study, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and ALA, found that more than 73 percent of libraries report they are the only source of free public access to computers and the Internet in their communities. Surveyed libraries said that the top three Internet services most critical to their community are online educational resources and databases for K-12 students (67.7 percent); services for job seekers (44 percent); and computer and Internet skills training (29.8 percent)." For more information, please see <http://www.ala.org/Template.cfm?Section=News&template=/ContentManagement/ ALCTS 2008 Division Award nominations soughtSeptember 11, 2007 - "Nominations are being accepted for the 2008 Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) Division awards. ALCTS presents seven Division Awards to honor individuals whose work represents the finest achievements in research, collaboration, creative work, leadership and service in the field of library collections and technical services and to support travel for library support staff to attend the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference." "If you are interested in nominating a candidate for any of the awards, contact the chair of that award committee. The deadline for nominations and supporting materials is December 1, 2007." "For additional information on the ALCTS awards, visit the ALCTS Web site at <http://www.ala.org/alcts>. ALCTS is a division of the American Library Association (ALA)." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.ala.org/Template.cfm?Section=News&template=/ContentManagement/ ACRL seeks nominations for 2008 awards recognizing outstanding achievements in academic librarianshipSeptember 11, 2007 - "For more than three-quarters of a century, the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) has been committed to celebrating the achievements of academic and research librarians through the presentation of awards, grants and fellowships. With almost $34,000 donated annually by corporate sponsors, ACRL has and will continue to nominate, select and honor the very best in academic librarianship." "Members are an integral part of ACRL's successful awards program. ACRL urges members to nominate colleagues whose work has influenced their thinking and growth as an academic librarian and whose contributions merit recognition by the profession. Member nominations will ensure that the pool of candidates for each award remains both competitive and distinguished. Nominations and supporting materials for most awards must be submitted by December 7, 2007. " "More information, including submission procedures, past winners, criteria and contact information, is available in the awards section of the ACRL Web site at http://www.ala.org/acrl or by contacting ACRL Program Coordinator Megan Griffin at (312) 280-2514." For more information, please see <http://www.ala.org/Template.cfm?Section=News&template=/ContentManagement/ Transatlantic collaboration on digitisation becomes a realitySeptember 10, 2007 - "A call for proposals was issued today by JISC and the US's National Endowment for the Humanities to support collaborative digitisation projects by UK and US scholars. The aim of the £360,000 ($730,000) programme is to unite scholarly collections split between the two countries, explore innovative approaches to digitisation and match expertise in one country with collections to be digitised in the other." "The programme is funding Transatlantic Digitisation Collaboration Grants which will be awarded to one-to-one partnerships in the US and England with the possibility that these grants will provide the foundation for larger-scale partnerships in the future. " "The grants are part of the wider International Partnership of Research Excellence (IPRE), an initiative instigated by the late Professor Sir Gareth Roberts of the University of Oxford. The second strand of the initiative recommends undertaking collaborative digitisation initiatives of which these grants will be a part." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/news/stories/2007/09/jiscneh.aspx>. Podcast: Digital content is a vital part of e-infrastructure, says US's Joyce RaySeptember 3, 2007 - "Joyce Ray is Associate Deputy Director for Library Services at the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a US-based funder of digitisation and other programmes. Speaking at the recent international digitization conference at Cardiff, she was able to give an international perspective to some of the challenges facing funders in the digitization of high-quality content for education and other sectors. During the conference she took time to speak to Philip Pothen about some of these challenges." For a link to download the podcast, please see <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/news/stories/2007/09/podcast10joyceray.aspx>. IMLS Seeks Contractor to Study Formula-based Grants to State LibrariesAugust 27, 2007 - "The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) is seeking a contractor to analyze characteristics, trends, and impacts of library services provided under its annual, formula-based Grants to States (2002 to 2007) and to place this program in the larger context of library services." "Also known as "LSTA" grants (for Library Services and Technology Act), the program has played a significant role in the development of library service in the United States for more than 50 years and is the largest source of federal funding for the nation's libraries." "The contractor will deliver a report that describes the program's scope, value, and trends, and profiles each grantee's activities in the five-year period. The contractor will also examine five to ten significant themes of special interest to the public, such as libraries' health information networks, academic support of K-12 students in public libraries, early childhood education, teen programs, economic development, services to new immigrants, or libraries as centers of civic engagement. Key documents for the analysis will include the states' five-year plans, annual grant reports, and five-year evaluation reports for each state, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia between 2002 and 2007." "The study will begin October 1, 2007, with the final report due July 7, 2008." For more information, please see <http://www.imls.gov/news/2007/082707.shtm>. IMLS Names Wolfsonian-Florida International University As Host of 2008/2009 WebWise ConferencesAugust 23, 2007 - "The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has made an award of $499,702 to The Wolfsonian-Florida International University to plan and co-host the 2008 and 2009 WebWise Conferences on Libraries and Museums in the Digital World. The Florida Center for Library Automation (FCLA), which serves Florida's institutions of higher education, is also a partner." "...Each year the WebWise Conference brings together approximately 350 representatives of museums, libraries, archives, information and systems science, and other fields interested in the future of high-quality online content for inquiry and education. The annual conference shares new research and innovations in digital technology with technical experts and thought leaders from the library, archives, and museum fields in order to enhance technology transfer among cultural heritage institutions nationwide and to promote institutional collaboration. It also provides grant recipients the opportunity to showcase exemplary projects and to demonstrate the impact of federal funding on the development and improvement of library and museum services. The conference has been co-hosted in previous years by the University of Missouri at Columbia, Johns Hopkins University, the University of Illinois at Chicago, OCLC, Inc., and the J. Paul Getty Trust, in collaboration with IMLS." "The 2008 WebWise Conference will be held in Miami Beach, Florida, with tentative dates of March 5-7. The conference theme is "WebWise 2.0: The Power of Community." Sessions will emphasize the ability of institutions to provide unfettered access to their collections and to reach a broad public audience by developing innovative ways to involve users in a digital environment. Projects featuring museum and library resources, the paths to their discovery, and digital tools to help institutions and users effectively manage, manipulate, present and use digital content will be featured in plenary sessions and demonstrations. Half-day workshops requiring separate registration will be offered on the first day, with the main conference taking place over the next two days. Online registration for all events will be available through the IMLS Web site in Fall 2007. Dates for the 2009 conference, which will be held in Washington, D.C., will be announced later." For more information, please see <http://www.imls.gov/news/2007/082307.shtm>. Podcast: Public sector is crucial to national digitisation efforts, says MLA's Chris BattAugust 20, 2007 - "Chris Batt is the Chief Executive of the Museum Libraries and Archives Council, a key partner of JISC's in the Strategic Content Alliance, a cross-sectoral body looking to widen access to online content for all citizens of the UK. In this podcast he talks about the work of the MLA, the Strategic Content Alliance and why the public sector is crucial to any attempts to create an information landscape that has quality and the needs of its users at its heart." For a link to download the podcast, please see <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/news/stories/2007/08/podcast08chrisbatt.aspx>. OCLC names IFLA/OCLC Early Career Development Fellows for 2008August 20, 2007 - "OCLC, along with the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), the American Theological Library Association, and OCLC PICA, today announced the IFLA/OCLC Early Career Development Fellows for 2008." "The 2008 IFLA/OCLC Fellows were named by Jay Jordan, OCLC President and CEO, at a news conference during the IFLA World Library and Information Congress: 73rd IFLA General Conference and Council in Durban, South Africa." "The IFLA/OCLC Early Career Development Fellowship Program supports library and information science professionals from countries with developing economies. The Fellowship program provides advanced continuing education and exposure to a broad range of issues in information technologies, library operations and global cooperative librarianship. Since its inception in 2001, the program has welcomed 38 librarians and information science professionals from 26 countries." For more information, including a list of the 2008 Fellows, please see <http://www.oclc.org/news/releases/200671.htm>. OCLC opens office in BeijingAugust 9, 2007 - "OCLC, the world's largest library cooperative, has opened an office in Beijing to better serve the growing information needs of libraries and other cultural heritage institutions in China and other parts of Asia." "OCLC officially opened the Beijing office with a grand-opening celebration July 20 with more than 150 leaders from libraries and other institutions in China attending. OCLC colleagues from Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Thailand also were in attendance. The OCLC office is located in Zhong Guan Cun, the academic center of Beijing often called "the Silicon Valley of China." Qiu Dongjiang, OCLC Chief Representative, is joined by three other OCLC staff members in the Beijing office...." "...OCLC has also been selected as the host site for the 4th China-U.S. Library Conference on October 23-25 in Dublin, Ohio. Last held at Shanghai Library in 2005, this prestigious scholarly conference will bring together leaders from libraries, museums and archives in China and the United States for three days of presentations and meetings regarding cooperation among their institutions in China and the United States." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.oclc.org/news/releases/200670.htm>. Cornell University Library becomes newest partner in Google Book Search Library ProjectAugust 8, 2007 - "Cornell University Library is partnering with Google Inc. to digitize materials from its superb collections and make them available online." "'In its quest to be the world's land-grant university, Cornell strives to serve the scholarly and research needs of those beyond the campus. This project advances Cornell's ability to provide global access to our library resources and to build human capacity across the globe,' said Cornell President David J. Skorton." "Google will digitize up to 500,000 works from Cornell University Library and make them available online using Google Book Search. As a result, materials from the library's exceptional collections will be easily accessible to students, scholars and people worldwide, supporting the library's long-standing commitment to make its collections broadly available." "...Cornell is the 27th institution to join the Google Book Search Library Project, which digitizes books from major libraries and makes it possible for Internet users to search their collections online. Over the next six years, Cornell will provide Google with public domain and copyrighted holdings from its collections. If a work has no copyright restrictions, the full text will be available for online viewing. For books protect by copyright, users will just get the basic background (such as the book's title and the author's name), at most a few lines of text related to their search and information about where they can buy or borrow a book. Cornell University Library will work with Google to choose materials that complement the contributions of the project's other partners. In addition to making the materials available through its online search service, Google will also provide Cornell with a digital copy of all the materials scanned, which will eventually be incorporated into the university's own digital library." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://pressoffice.cornell.edu/Aug07/google.library.shtml>. Digital Preservation Program Makes Awards to Preserve American Creative WorksPreserving Creative America Initiative to Engage Private Sector Creators of Films, Sound Recordings, Photographs, Cartoons and Video Games in Digital Formats August 3, 2007 - "The Library of Congress, through its National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP), today announced eight partnerships as part of its new Preserving Creative America initiative to address the long-term preservation of creative content in digital form. These partners will target preservation issues across a broad range of creative works, including digital photographs, cartoons, motion pictures, sound recordings and even video games. The work will be conducted by a combination of industry trade associations, private sector companies and nonprofits, as well as cultural heritage institutions." "Several of the projects will involve developing standardized approaches to content formats and metadata (the information that makes electronic content discoverable by search engines), which are expected to increase greatly the chances that the digital content of today will survive to become America's cultural patrimony tomorrow. Although many of the creative content industries have begun to look seriously at what will be needed to sustain digital content over time, the $2.15 million being awarded to the Preserving Creative America projects will provide added impetus for collaborations within and across industries, as well as with libraries and archives." "...Preserving Creative America is the most recent initiative of the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (www.digitalpreservation.gov), authorized by Congress in December 2000. The authorizing legislation specifies that the Library should enlist the private sector to help address the long-term preservation of digital content. A cornerstone of NDIIPP has been the establishment of a broad network of partners committed to the continuing stewardship of digital content of value to Congress and the nation. With the new awards, the NDIIPP network grows to more than 90 partners, including other government agencies, educational institutions, research laboratories and organizations, both in the United States and abroad. Previous NDIIPP projects have involved primarily educational and cultural heritage institutions." For more information and a list of the lead entities, please see the full press release at <http://www.loc.gov/today/pr/2007/07-156.html>. National Library of New Zealand announces the open-source release of version 3.2 of its Metadata Extraction ToolAugust 2, 2007 announcement by Steve Knight, National Library of New Zealand - "The National Library of New Zealand (Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa) is pleased to announce the open-source release of version 3.2 of its Metadata Extraction Tool." "The Metadata Extraction Tool programmatically extracts preservation metadata from a range of file formats including PDF documents, image files, sound files, office documents, and many others. It automatically extracts preservation-related metadata from digital files, then outputs that metadata in XML. It can be used through a graphical user interface or command-line interface." "The software was created in 2003, and redeveloped this year. It is now available as open-source software from http://meta-extractor.sf.net/ under the terms of the Apache Public License." For more information, please see <http://meta-extractor.sourceforge.net/>. CrossRef Pilots Cross-publisher Plagiarism Detection ServiceAugust 1, 2007 - "CrossRef, the association behind publishing's preeminent shared digital infrastructure, announced today that it had entered into an agreement with iParadigms (http://www.iparadigms.com/), the company that runs Turnitin and iThenticate, to develop a system that allows scholarly and professional publishers to verify the originality of submitted and published works. The service, when it is launched, will be called 'CrossCheck.' Six leading academic publishers have agreed to allow their full-text content to be indexed for the pilot, and to test the service along several measures." " The six participating publishers are: the Association for Computing Machinery (http://www.acm.org/), BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. (http://bmjgroup.bmj.com/), Elsevier (http://www.elsevier.com), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (http://www.ieee.org), Taylor & Francis (http://www.taylorandfrancisgroup.com/), and Wiley-Blackwell (http://www.wiley.com)." "According to Ed Pentz, CrossRef's Executive Director, 'We're quite excited about the launch of the CrossCheck pilot. For the first time we are applying the principles of publisher collaboration beyond reference linking. CrossRef is in a unique position to help create a comprehensive database of published academic content because of its broad membership. CrossCheck will be a valuable service for our publishers enabling them to verify the originality of content. But the real beneficiaries of the service will be researchers and scholars who want trustworthy online content. On the technology side, iParadigms is the leading provider of the technology that we need.'" For more information, please see <http://www.crossref.org/01company/pr/press080107.htm>. JISC inform highlights repositories and Web 2.0July 31, 2007 - "The new JISC inform is published this week and highlights an interview with Professor Drummond Bone, President of Universities UK and Vice Chancellor of the University of Liverpool, in which he gives his strong support to JISC's work to encourage the development of repositories across the UK." "Repositories are, he says, an issue of national economic importance, supporting attempts to increase the UK's competitiveness in an increasingly competitive international marketplace and to maximise its considerable investment in science and innovation. " "The changing nature of research, with vast amounts of research data being exchanged remotely and with ever-greater opportunities for collaboration, means that an infrastructure is needed, says Professor Bone, to allow researchers to work together and to access resources freely. Universities UK is therefore, he continues,'firmly behind the JISC repositories initiative – £3m between 2005 and this year and another £14m over the next three years...'" For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.jisc.ac.uk/news/stories/2007/07/inform.aspx>. ALPSP Author Choice for Learned PublishingJuly 30, 2007 - "The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP), publisher of Learned Publishing – the leading journal on scholarly and professional publishing – announces a hybrid 'Open Access' option whereby authors can choose to make their articles freely available online immediately on publication, on payment of a fee." "The fee for this optional service is £1,250/$2,500 for members of ALPSP and the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) and £1,500/$3,000 for non-members. 'ALPSP Author Choice' is being launched on a trial basis by ALPSP, the international association for non-profit publishers and those who work with them." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.alpsp.org/ngen_public/article.asp?id=&did=47&aid=1221&st=&oaid=-1>. Michael Keller Appointed CLIR Senior Presidential FellowJuly 24, 2007 - "The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Keller of Stanford University as CLIR Senior Presidential Fellow. Mr. Keller is university librarian, director of academic information resources, founder and publisher of HighWire Press, and publisher of the Stanford University Press." "During the two-year appointment, which begins August 1, Mr. Keller will undertake a series of studies and reports for CLIR publication. His research will include examining the recommendations of recent cyberinfrastructure reports and exploring how our communities can respond to the complex environment these reports envision, including the role and function of institutional repositories, digital archives, and digital libraries. He will also compose white papers that elucidate new and emerging research methodologies, new models of scholarly publishing, the role of supercomputer centers in the evolving concept of cyberinfrastructure, and topics specific to rethinking aspects of libraries and academic life. During his tenure as fellow, he will continue to work from Stanford." For more information, please see the full press release at <http://www.clir.org/news/pressrelease/07kellerpr.html>. Copyright 2007 © Corporation for National Research InitiativesTop |
Contents doi:10.1045/september2007-inbrief |