EESE 7/1995

N. Ritterbusch: Appendix

1.1. Film-transcript: A Place in the Sun

nr.  durat.sec.    if      camera/image description                         dialogue/music/sound

1 0 - 79 ELS EXT CREDITS: man, from behind, is hitch-hiking instrumental AE at a busy road, going backwards, he is music (forte) coming closer CHANGE Zoom up to/(young, leather-jacket, small, suit-case, MCU Zoom up to/dark hair) ECU END OF CREDITS: he turns around CHANGE 2 1.19 - 5 MS Man (shot 1) from behind (in MCU in the FG), BG: "It's an Eastman"- billboard, he turns around horn 3 1.24 - 3 AE A cream-colored convertible is passing instrumental music 4 1.27 - 2 MS Tilt right/ Convertible from left to right, a dark-haired, -"- young woman is driving (white top) -"- 5 1.29 - 2 AE Man (shot 1) is watching the car -"- 6 1.31 - 2 ELS The car is driving on a sustained road -"- 7 1.33 - 9 MLS A heavy-loaded old truck stops Dissolve/ - the young man gets in -"-

1.2.Film-transcript: The Great Gatsby

nr. durat.sec. if camera/image description dialogue/music/sound
1 0.00 - 5 MLS Fade in/ EXT - CREDITS: white mansion Irving Berlin: "What'll I do 2 0.05 - 5 MLS INT Cream-colored cadillac-con-vertible in a garage 3 0.10 -10 MLS EXT Swimming-pool plus changing -"- and cricket-chirps cubicle house 4 0.20 -13 MLS INT Hall with piano CHANGE: song 5 0.33 -16 FS Columned hall CHANGE: Charleston- music and laughter 6 0.49 -11 MLS Hall with four huge windows, light -"- comes in from outside (shadows) 7 1.00 -34 CU Zoom up to/ photograph album: black-and-white ECU pictures of a woman (in CU) CHANGE: instrumental newspaper clip containing a picture music (piano) 8 1.34 -65 ECU zoom back/ mansion (photograph taken in MLS) instrumental music CU tilt right down/initials on the bedspread: JG (forte-piano) CU tilt right up/framed photograph of the woman from shot 7 (MCU: white gloves, (forte-piano) pearl necklace) 9 2.39 -35 MCU zoom up to/ golden dressing set: mirror instrumental music CU tilt left/ and brushes face down (JG-initials), tilt right up/a golden pocket watch (not working), brown brushes, medals a half-eaten bread, upon which a flie is crawling, a photograph of the woman from shot 7 (in CU) dissolve/ END OF CREDITS List of abbreviations: durat. = duration sec. = seconds IF = image frame (ECU: extreme close-up - CU: close-up - MCU: medium close-up - MS: medium shot - AE: American shot/plan américain - FS: full shot - MLS: medium long shot - LS: long shot - ELS: extreme long shot) EXT = exterior - INT = interior FG = foreground - MG = middleground - BG = background

2.1. Shot-length-diagram: A Place in the Sun

2.2. Shot-length-diagram: The Great Gatsby