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Inserting Pictures & Text boxes

You can add text or graphics to your slides very easily.

Clip Art

To add clip art to your slides choose Insert/ Picture then Clip Art or click the image_icon.jpg (1291 bytes) icon. 

The Clip Art box on the right will appear. Choose the image you want and click Insert.

The picture will be inserted in your slide. You can resize it, move it, and copy it anywhere in the presentation.


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Picture From a File

To add graphic/picture from a file or disk to your slides choose Insert/ Picture then From File. Go the the file or drive that the graphic is located in/on. When the file has been selected click Insert.



To add text to your slides, choose Insert, then Text Box. The
arrow_ms.jpg (2468 bytes)will turn into a txtbx_tool.gif (70 bytes). Click where you want the text. A small text box will appear. You can type into this, resize it, and move it to anywhere you want. All text can be formatted to any size, font, or color that you choose.
PowerPoint also has a shadowtxt_icon.JPG (871 bytes)  (shadow) option that you can apply to text.

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