test; please ignore

Martijn Koster (m.koster@webcrawler.com)
Mon, 18 Dec 1995 14:59:15 -0800

[2]RE>[2]RE>[5]RE>Checking 12/15/95

Thanks for you message.

I am on vacation until Jan 5th, 1996, and am unlikely to check my e-mail
before I get back.

Do ingore this message; it's not true, and merely a test-case for
a new bounce rule in majordomo, designed to prevent at least some
"Roger Dearnaley" problems. The fact you saw this message indicates
the initial easy fix didn't work, so it's back to the drawing board :-(
Don't worry, further testing will take place on a specific test list...

-- Martijn
Email: m.koster@webcrawler.com
WWW: http://info.webcrawler.com/mak/mak.html