Re: test; please ignore

Mark Schrimsher (
Tue, 19 Dec 1995 12:06:43 +0900

> [2]RE>[2]RE>[5]RE>Checking 12/15/95
>Thanks for you message.
>I am on vacation until Jan 5th, 1996, and am unlikely to check my e-mail
>before I get back.
>Do ingore this message; it's not true, and merely a test-case for
>a new bounce rule in majordomo, designed to prevent at least some
>"Roger Dearnaley" problems. The fact you saw this message indicates
>the initial easy fix didn't work, so it's back to the drawing board :-(
>Don't worry, further testing will take place on a specific test list...
>-- Martijn


How can I subscribe to the test list. ;-)
