Re: in-document directive to discourage indexing ?

Drew Hamilton (
Mon, 24 Jun 1996 14:12:52 -0400

Kevin Hoogheem wrote:

> Why should a Admin-Email entry be mandatory, well I can think of
> one reason and that is Since most people that
> have written robots have the ablity to tell if a link is bad or doesnt
> work anymore with there robot they could easily send a message to the
> administrator of that website with the url and description of the problem
> they have on that page,

Yeah, that's nice if the server administrator is responsible for all of the
content on the entire server, but that is often not the case. At my school,
for example, any member of the Computer Science Club can put files up for
viewing on our web server.

If I was the www administrator, I certainly wouldn't want to get email every
time one of my several hundred users broke a link (and believe me, it happens
a lot, especially since a lot of people are using the server as a vehicle for
learning HTML).

Drew Hamilton
   Open Text Corporation - Web Index Team -- (519)888-7111 x.297
   "Ce qui embellit le desert, c'est qu'il cache un puits."