ADMIN: Archive

Martijn Koster (
Wed, 26 Jun 1996 17:50:08 -0700

At 8:17 AM 6/26/96, Martijn Koster wrote:

>there is always the archive on the web;

Well, until Hypermail breaks that is :-( I guess even fewer people
consult the archive than I thought, since no-one has reported
that it has been missing articles for some time. It turns out
Hypermail 1.02 was crashing on some non-RFC822-conformant messages,
and on some X.400 headers.

After spending the day in debuggers (Thanks Kevin, for shipping code!)
I'm happy to report that Hypermail is no longer dumping core,
and the archive should be back in the running...

Please do let me know if it breaks somewhere...

-- Martijn
