Re: psycho at

Bonnie Scott (
Tue, 9 Jul 1996 18:02:51 -0400 (EDT)

I happen to think that LANL have a fair policy. The warnings are extremely
evident if you look at any of their pages with your own eyes, and the robots.txt
file clearly allows you to avoid problems, including /seek-and-destroy.

A quote from their site:
>Very few of these same robotrunners would ever dream of downloading entire databases via anonymous ftp, but for some reason conceptualize www sites as somehow associated only to small and limited databases. This mentality must change --- large databases such as this one [which has millions of distinct URL's that lead to gigabytes of data] are likely to grow ever more commonly exported via www.)

You want to index that? If our taxdollars are paying for CPU cycles, it should be for people to access the data, not for Digital to suck up their database one item at a time.

my humble opinion -- sorry to contribute to the flame-fest

Bonnie Scott

> Hello all,
> I checked out, and the guy(s) aren't just unfriendly
> to robots... they claim at least that they'll "attack" your site if you
> do any number of things they don't like.
> The folks at the Los Alamos Nat'l Labs seem to have a psychotic fool
> running their archives. If not psychotic, certainly sociopathic. I
> can't believe our tax dollars go to support idiots with pages like this
> one: [note: it's a lame page]
> At least the guy links back to info on the robot.txt file
> recommendations, at the very least. I don't understand their hyperbole
> or their caustic posturing against agents, etc. Also, I couldn't find
> any information on who authorized this guy to put junk like that on a
> .gov site. I certainly have a problem with government sites threatening
> retaliation if you happen to send one too many GET requests their way.
> --
> Rob Turk <> Unofficially Speaking.
> Artistic ventures highlighted. Rob a museum.